Compound Sentences
Complex Sentences

What acronym is used to remember coordinating conjunctions?


What acronym is used to remember subordinating conjunctions?



The conflict of the story is the main -



Lines two and four demonstrate what poetry element?

The sun's heat will give out in years more -

And he worried about it.

It will sure give out then, if not before-

And he worried about it. 



Explain the main idea of a nonfiction text or individual paragraph. 

The main idea is what the text or individual paragraph is mainly or mostly about. 


Compound sentences use what type of conjunctions?

Coordinating Conjunctions


Complex sentences use what type of conjunctions?

Subordinating Conjunctions


Because most fiction stories have a problem and solution text structure, they must follow a -




The news that Reid's friends were moving to town was music to his ears.

1 - Identify the type of figurative language.

2 - What does it mean?

Both MUST be correct for 400 points.

Metaphor / The news was pleasing to Reid. 


Which text feature helps break up a text and make it more manageable to read and scan?



A compound sentence is made up of two ______ clauses. 



A complex sentence is made up of one ________ clause and one ________ clause in either order. 




Name TWO rules a fiction summary must follow. 

Each rule is worth 300 points!

1 - It must be in order.

2 - It must contain ONLY main ideas (no supporting details)


Complete the Rhyme Scheme:

So I behold these books upon their shelf, A

My ornaments and arms of other days; B

Not useless, though no longer used, ___

For they remind me of my other self. ___

C , A


Name at least four of the five types of non-fiction text structures. 

Cause & Effect

Problem & Solution

Sequence (Chronological Order)

Compare & Contrast



DOUBLE JEOPARDY Determine what is wrong with the following sentence: Julie ran to the market, and grabbed two bundles of bananas. 

The second clause is missing a subject (she)!


Determine what is wrong with the following sentence: Although Hannah loved pineapple she despised it on a pizza. 

A comma should be before the independent clause because the sentence starts with the subordinating conjunction "although". 


A first-person AND a third-person limited point of view will BOTH help the reader better understand - 

the thoughts and feelings of ONE character. 



It was all so dull - 

Except a few gray legs under shiny umbrellas,

Running along the gray shiny sidewalks. 

The poem type is ________ because it does not have a ______.

Free Verse ; beat, meter, or rhythm. 


What is the text structure of the following passage? Do you have a dog or cat residing at your home? If the answer is yes, be sure to keep onions out of your pet’s reach. Onions contain an ingredient called thiosulfate. While this ingredient is perfectly safe for humans, it is toxic to cats and dogs. Thiosulfate weakens a cat or dog’s red blood cells. If your pet consumes enough onions, the red blood cells can even burst! As you can see, the accidental ingestion of onions by your dog or cat can result in worrisome consequences.

Cause & Effect


Is the following sentence written correctly: I love to read short stories, but I enjoy writing them even more due to my creative mind.

No. By adding "due to my creative mind" the sentence loses its conciseness and falters into a run-on sentence. 


Is the following sentence written correctly: The tiny ship would have been disoriented if the crew had not been courageous.

Yes! "If" is the subordinating conjunction. The sentence does not require a comma because the dependent clause comes after the independent clause. 


Determine the theme of the story: A Hare was making fun of the Tortoise one day for being so slow. "Do you ever get anywhere?" he asked with a laugh. "Yes," replied the Tortoise, "and I get there sooner than you think. I'll run you a race and prove it." The Hare was much amused at the idea of running a race with the Tortoise, but for fun, he agreed. So the Fox, who had agreed to act as judge, marked the distance and started the runners off. The Hare was soon far out of sight. To make the Tortoise feel very deeply about how ridiculous it was for him to try a race with a Hare, he lay down beside the course to take a nap until the Tortoise should catch up. The Tortoise kept going slowly but steadily. After a time, he passed the place where the Hare was sleeping. But the Hare slept on very peacefully. When he did wake up, the Tortoise was near the goal. The Hare now ran his swiftest, but he could not overtake the Tortoise in time.

Theme: Overconfidence can be your downfall.


1 - (250 points) Name the two types of rhyming examples. 

2 - (250 points) Explain the difference between the two. 

1 - End & Internal

2 - End: The words rhyme at the end of two different lines. 

Internal: ONE line has two words that rhyme. 


What is the main idea of the text: In 1847, Charlotte Brontë and her sister Anne both published their first novels. The following year, their sister Emily also published a first novel. Charlotte's novel, Jane Eyre, was one of the best-sellers of 1847. Emily's novel, Wuthering Heights, was disliked at first but later became highly respected. Anne's first novel did not sell well, but her second novel did. How did three sisters from the same family all become published writers? Their childhood might have had something to do with it. When Charlotte and Emily were young girls, they made up stories about an imaginary land called Angria. They filled notebooks with stories about Angria. When Anne was old enough, she joined in. It could be that their early years helped the girls to develop their creativity and storytelling abilities.

The Brontë sisters' childhood storytelling may have helped their future writing careers. 
