How many people can use the bathroom at one time?
in the bookshelf near the door
What do we do with cellphones?
Keep them in backpacks at all times or in Miss Olbrys desk
Where else do you use your number?
In other clasrooms
Where is the bathroom sign out sheet?
At the front of the classroom, under the calendar
Where are the turn in bins?
On the counter by the windows
How do we walk in the hallway?
Quiet and straight line
We will have no ___________ in our class!
When should you not use the bathroom?
During a lesson
Where does your backpack belong?
Where do we line up for our other teachers classes?
Do we just walk in?
On their lockers. No, we wait for the teacher to tell us it is OK to come in.
We will make choices that help us _____ _____ _____ _______ and keep us _____.
We will make choices that help us do our best learning and keep us safe.
When is a good time to use the bathroom?
Independent work time
Before class begins in the morning
Coming back from gym and recess
Where is the mental health check in?
On the board in the back of the room
Clean up!
If you do not want to answer when your name is called on, you say....
no thanks
*shake your head no*
What will be up front to show if the bathroom is occupied or available?
A lit up button or switch
Where do we find out math folders?
On the counter near the door
What are your prompts from Miss Olbrys to get your attention?
"If you hear me, clap once..."
"Wildcats..." "Roar"
1. Place bag under chair
2. Use bathroom
3. Eat breakfast (if you eat it here)
4. Grab morning work and complete it