How much outside time should each classroom have? (weather depending)
2-3 time for an hour or more
What temperature is considered a fever to send a child home?
Where do we meet in case of a fire?
On the hill (Sand/Grass Area)
How do we determine if an object is a choking hazard?
What what classroom should a "choking hazard" be apart of an independent activity?
Any object that can fit through a toilet paper roll!
Preschool 1 (if children are ready) and 2
How often do bathrooms and toilet seats need to be cleaned?
At least once at day or when soiled.
When must staff wash or sanitize hands?
before and after diaper, wiping noise, bodily fluids, before meal prep, before and after eating, before and after first aid
How many successful potty training days in a row do children need before underwear at school?
When should an accident report be filled out?
Any accident that leaves a mark or requires First Aid.
Anything we want to have record of.
What is developmentally appropriate practice?
principles and activities that support a child's learning and development.
Opportunities for individual and group activities for each child including time for meals, snacks, sleep or rest, and indoor and outdoor activities should be provided how often
At least once per day
Who should you share confidential information about a child with?
Childs primary teacher, director/owner, any staff that needs to know to properly care for the child.
When should children be signed into the master attendance sheet?
If you have combined with another classroom in the AM or PM or are outside for drop off or pick up.
Before leaving please check the attendance to make sure it matches what children are in attendance.
Where is Miss Patty's evacuation site?
47 Piscataqua rd.
What is the gender of Baby McLean
Do we need a permission slip signed to use sun screen, or bug spray on children
What is Miss Patty's goal statement?
"Our primary goal as a childcare provider is to provide a positive learning environment in a warm and supportive home-like atmosphere. We want parents to feel secure that their children are being cared for in a safe and nurturing surrounding."
How does Miss Patty's handle challenging behaviors?
Staff will always use positive methods and language while discipling children.
In the event of an evacuating what do you need take with you?
Classroom binder, attendance sheet, and any life saving medication
Where should staff be when children are eating?
Staff shall be positioned to allow for visual supervision of all children and help if needed.
How often does a child's bedding need to be cleaned?
Once a week! More often if soiled!
Reggio Emilia, Montessori, Nature based, child led learning, and teacher directed.
What do we need filled out and signed by parents before give medication?
Medication Administration Form
Where is our OFF LOCATION meeting site.
McConnell Center in Dover
At what age is it developmentally appropriate for children to share toys?
3 years old!
However they may not want to!
If an elevated changing table is bring used to change children staff should do what?
Keep one hand on child at all times!