Create your own Restaurant (Math)
Mythical Creatures/Superhero/Personal Narrative (ELA)
Geography/US History/Civics (Social Studies)
Inventions/Industrial Revolution (Science)

What is .25 as a percentage?



What is the definition of the word 'myth'? 

A traditional or cultural fictional story, usually representing a common social or natural phenomenon, that includes supernatural elements or experiences. (Different wordings accepted) 


How many states are there in the United States?

50 states (including Alaska and Hawaii)


What was George Washington Carver known for inventing?

Discovered uses for farm crops, such as peanuts and sweet potatoes. (Peanut butter) 


What has no beginning, middle, or end?

A circle, a doughnut, or any other acceptable answer.


Name two things that you would need to create in order to start your own restaurant. 

Menu, pay chart/employee schedule, floor plan, a name, a business plan, a budget, etc. (acceptable answers at teacher discretion) 


What does KWL stand for on a KWL chart?

Know, want to know, learned. 


What directions do Longitudinal and Latitudinal lines go in?

Latitude = Across/horizontal 

Longitude = Up and down/vertical 


Name two inventions that were in the packet yesterday and what they were/are used for. 

Lightening rod, Franklin stove, rocking chair, glass harmonica, bifocals, library step chair, odometer, desk. 


What can you hear but not touch or see?

Your voice 


As a manager at a restaurant, you make $63,500/year BEFORE taxes (gross income). If you have to pay 25% of your gross income in taxes, how much is your annual net income?

$63,500 x .75 = $47,625/year net income 


Identify 3 qualities of a superhero that you read about on Tuesday. 

Answers vary. Qualities must be positive. 


Define the following words: 




Revenue - An amount of income or money that is collected or earned 

Deficit - Another word for debt; when the amount of $ that you have is not enough to cover expenses.

Budget - The amount of $ or resources that you have to spend. 


An early production method was called cottage industry because workers (choose one) 

A. Built cottages 

B. Worked in their homes, which were cottages

C. Lived in factories

D. Made cottage cheese 

B. Worked in their homes which were cottages 


What can make an octopus laugh?

Ten tickles (tentacles, hehehe)


Your restaurant has a wait staff of 15 people. 10 of them work 40 hours per week and get paid $5.50/hour before tips. 5 of them work 30 hours per week and get paid $6.25/hour before tips. How much are you paying your 15 employees per week in total? Use your calculators.

40 x $5.50 = $220

$220 x 10 employees = $2,200

30 x $6.25 = $187.50 

$187.50 x 5 employees = $937.50 

$2,200 + $937.50 = $3,137.50/week for 15 employees.


What is a personal narrative?

An informational (non-fiction) account of what happened in someone's life told from their perspective. (like an autobiography) 


Name the capitals of at least 3 states in the US. 

Answers vary, fact check answers. 


The 'Spinning Jenny,' patented in 1764, was invented by James _______ and its purpose was _______. (200 points per blank) 

James Hargreaves; allowed one spinner to spin 8+ threads at one time. 


Why couldn't the teacher control her pupils?

Because she couldn't find her glasses!


You have a $25,000 budget to build your restaurant. You make the following selections for decor/furniture:

6 booths for $1,200 per booth 

12 chair for $75 per chair 

5 paintings for $150 per painting 

1,000 square feet of marble flooring for $11.50 per square foot 

Do you have any money from your budget leftover? If so, how much? 

6 x $1,200 = $7,200 

12 x $75 = $900 

5 x $150 = $750 

1,000 x $11.50 = $11,500 

All of these numbers added together = $20,350. $25,000 - $20,350 = $4,650 leftover 


What are the points on a traditional story arch?

Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution. 


Name the original 13 colonies. (Partial credit at teacher's discretion) 

Virginia, New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Delaware, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. 


On the 'My New Invention' page, you had to come up with 4 things about your invention before you presented it. Name those four things. 

The name of your invention, supplies you need for your invention, what does your invention do/what is it used for, and what does your invention look like.


I have no doors but I have keys, I have no rooms but I do have a space, you can enter but you can never leave. What am I?

A keyboard.
