Cover Letters & Resumes
Financial Lit/Math
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Music (Random)

Who do you give your resume and/or cover letter to?

A potential employer 


Calculate 15% of $300 using the calculator.



What are the first 10 amendments of the Constitution called?

The Bill of Rights 


What very famous female pop star started her singing career in a group called Destiny's Child?



What has a head, a tail, but no body?

A coin


What is the main difference between a resume and a cover letter?

A resume is uniform for most jobs with a few little tweaks, while a cover letter needs to be changed and position specific. 


What is the difference between a gross and net income?

Gross - The amount of money that you get paid before taxes are taken out 

Net - The amount of money that you actually take home after taxes are taken out 


Identify which number in the following pair would fall on the X axis and which number would fall on the Y axis: (-2, 7)

X axis = -2 and Y axis = 7 because coordinates on a graph are always formatted as (x, y)


Name two of the four members of The Beatles. (Last names accepted)

John Lennon, Ringo Star, Paul McCartney, George Harrison. 


What animal can you always find at a baseball game?

A bat


What are three out of the five things that a resume should be according to the resume builder activity from Tuesday?

1. Concise 

2. Organized and consistently formatted 

3. Easy to read 

4. Professional 

5. Honest 


Identify 3 options for places that you could store your savings.

Certificate of deposit, checking account, friends and family, health savings account, your house, money market deposit account, prepaid card, savings account, US savings bonds, retirement account, etc.


If you were going to open your own business, what are at least 3 things that you might have to plan before it opens to the public?

How many employees you are going to have, how much you are going to pay those employees, how you are going to make any necessary materials, (if your business has a storefront) how you are going to design your business's physical location, how you are going to market your business (social media), who your target demographic is (who will come to your business), how much money you are going to need to invest into your business and how you are going to make/get that money, etc. 


Who was the very first American Idol winner?

Kelly Clarkson


What's a cat's favorite color?


Summarize the four main sections/paragraph topics that should be found in a cover letter.

1. Heading - Potential employer (name, business, etc. + identifying information about you) 

2. Paragraph 1 - Position you're applying for, how you heard of the opening, why you're interested in it 

3. Paragraph 2 - Your qualifications and positive traits; experience and achievements 

4. Paragraph 3 - Thank the person for their consideration, state interest in and interview and/or desired salary


You go to Walmart with $250 to spend. You need a new desk chair for $40, a loaf of bread for $4.50, 3 tomatoes for 0.75/each, 2 new folders for school that cost $1/each, a 1/2 pound of ham from the deli that costs $5.75, and 2 pounds of cheese for $3.50/pound. How much money do you have left?

$188.50 leftover


What is an invention? Please name 2 famous inventors.

Answers vary 


Name at least four categories of musical instruments.

String instruments, percussion instruments, brass instruments, wind/woodwind instruments, keyboard instruments, electronic musical instruments, etc.


What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

The letter M


Name 5 sections/pieces of information that should be found on a resume. 

Contact information, skills/talents, education, work experience/duties performed at jobs, extracurricular activities, accomplishments/awards and honors. 


What does PEMDAS stand for? Use this order of operations to solve the following problem: 

36 - 10 x 2 / 5 - 11 = ?

Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction.

21 (multiply first, then divide, then subtract) 


Someone is willing to invest $20,000 in the Italian restaurant that you want to open. You need to purchase the following materials for it: 

500 square feet of flooring for $0.75 per square foot 

3 decorative rugs for $125 per rug 

7 booths for $1,850 per booth 

25 chairs for $85 per chair 

50 sets of plates/silverware for $12 per set 

Do you have enough for all of these items? If so, how much do you have left over? If not, how much more do you need from this investor?

You have enough because all of these items combine to cost $16,425. $20,000 (investment amount) - $16,425 = $3,575 leftover to spend! 


Name 5 genres of music.

Country, pop, rock, punk, metal, blues, jazz, rap, R&B, electronic, funk, hip hop, soul, indie, etc.


What starts with the letter T, ends with the letter T, and is full of tea? 

A teapot 