What are the "DO NOT's" when using a book? (at least 2)
Do not bend the spine, do not rip out pages, do not write in the book, do not use the book with dirty hands
When it is time to line up what are two things you should do? When in line how should your body be (3 examples)?
Push in your chair and line up in correct spot.
Facing forward, voices off, and hands to ourselves.
What is your identity? Give two examples of what can make up someones identity.
Parts of you that make up who you are.
Family, languages spoken, what you like, foods you eat, how you treat others, etc.
What is Miss Shorey's favorite colors?
When are the correct time to get a book from our library?
When it is time for a silent read, when you have completed all your work (with Miss Shorey's permission), before special if you come in and finish morning work. Or at the end of the day to check a book out.
What is the first three (3) things you do when you enter the classroom? AND at what noise level?
1. Hang up backpack on correct number
2. Put water bottle in back
3. Begin the work at your desk/ read the board for instructions
What is personal space? Why is it important?
The comfortable distance between you and another person that you are talking to or stood next to. (Your bubble)
What kind of pet does Miss Shorey have?
What are three rules/ expectations when working in groups?
Listen to all ideas, working together, everyone is focused, sharing supplies, asking each other questions, noise level is not too high, students are in correct area, etc.
Fill in the blank.
Before we come to the rug we ___. While we are coming to the rug, we are ____. When we are at the rug, our voices are ___ when others are talking.
Walk in quietly/ push in chairs
Quiet/ Silent
Name two ways you can respect and celebrate our differences?
1. Ask questions
2. Provide compliments
What is Miss Shorey's favorite subject?
What is yours but mostly used by others? (HINT: The answer we talked about a lot this week in class!)
Your name
Name three (3) correct times you can get water at the Hydration Station. Name one (1) time when you cannot get water from Hydration Station.
CAN- Water can be gotten when coming back from bathroom, coming back from lunch, or in between lessons (transition times).
CANNOT- Never during a lesson can a student get water. They should be listening to the directions.
Name three (3) expectations, or way you should be when walking in the hallway. Why is it important to act this way?
Students walking in the hallway quietly. Students walking facing forward. Students touching only their own belongings. Students walking on the right side of the hallway. Students keeping all body parts to themselves.
Name three (3) things a good listener does.
Hands/feet are still, facing forward, mouth waits to talk, raises hand to speak, ears are listening, eyes are on the speaker
What is Miss Shorey's dogs name?
What does the word "Inclusive" mean?
All are welcome, everyone and anyone can join, accepting of others.
Name the five district wide school rules. (The rules we have been making the LOOK, SOUNDS, FEELS charts to.)
Rule 1: I respect personal space
Rule 2: I respect differences
Rule 3: I am on time and stay in my place
Rule 4: I listen and follow directions
Rule 5: I use respectful language
Explain to me how the "LOTTERY" works. Both on an individual level and as a class.
You lose letters as a class for any negative behavior. You (may) earn letters back after demonstrating positive behavior.
Tickets are given to individuals who are demonstrating great behavior in class and are a positive example.
In this classroom we all will make mistakes (even Miss Shorey!). Explain to me why mistakes are important?
We learn from mistakes, mistakes can be proof that we are learning.
Where did Miss Shorey go to college?
Bridgewater State University
Explain to me the point of the band-aid activity and the sticky note "GOAL" activity. Why did we do these, what was the point?
Band-Aid- What works for one may not work for all. We all have different needs and although a tool may work for one kid, it may not work for another kids needs.
Sticky Note "GOAL"- Some people need more resoirces than others. These resources help us go above and beyond our goals!