Can you spell "SEVENTEEN"?
What is the English for "une citrouille"?
a pumpkin
What is the English for " la cour de récréation"?
the playground
What is the name of the Queen?
Queen Elizabeth II
What is the English for "se réveiller"?
Wake up
Can you spell "Wesndesday"?
What is the English for "un fantôme"?
a ghost
What is the English for "un emploi du temps"?
a timetable
What are the names of the Queen's grandsons?
William and Harry
What time do you have breakfast every morning?
I have breakfast at
Can you spell "JANUARY"?
What is the English for "la sorcière est derrière la fenêtre"?
the witch is behind the window
Name 5 different school subjects
Maths, English, French, PE, Science, Physics, Chemistry, Drama, History, Geography
What is the name of the Queen's residence in London?
Buckingham Palace
Say this hour orally: 16h30
half past four pm
Can you spell "WALRUS"?
What is the English for "l'araignée est sur la toile d'araignée"?
the spider is on the cobweb
Name 5 objects you can put in your school bag
copybooks, books, a pencilcase, pencils, a diary/agenda, pens, a gluestick, a pair of scissors, a highlighter...
What is the name of the Queen's son, the future king?
Say this hour: 21h45
quarter to ten pm
Can you spell "highlighters"?
Recite the poem "Rolling pumpkin"
Pumpkin pumpkin, sitting on the wall
Pumpkin pumpkin, tip and fall
Pumpkin pumpkin, rolling down the street
Pumpkin pumpkin, good to eat
Describe the uniform of an English school boy or school girl
They wear a shirt, a blaser, a tie, trousers or a skirt, tights, socks, shoes
How many great grandchildren does the Queen have?
She has 5 great grandchildren.
What is the English for "se brosser les dents"?
to brush one's hair