What is the first thing we PICK-UP when we wnter the classroom in the morning?
Morning Work
In the hall, we walk on what color line?
Green line
FALSE, it is never okay to run up the slide.
When using the bathroom, we should be at what voice level?
Level 0(HUSH!)
In class, when we have a question, what should you do?
Raise your hand to ask Miss W. a question or ask your neighbor if they can help!
During ELA morning rotations we should be working on what voice level, unless you are at small group with Miss W.?
Voice Level 0( or voice level 1 if you have a quick question to politely ask your neighbor)
IN the hall, we are on what voice level?
Voice level 0
Before sliding down the fire pole, on the playground equipment, you should look _____ first.
Below, to make sure it is clear of people.
When waiting in line to enter the bathroom, how should we be waiting?
Level 0, on the green line.
TRUE OR FALSE: You can get a book from the library any time you want if you finish reading yours or left a book at home.
FALSE! WHile I love that you LOVE to read, only certain readers may shop each day unless they ask permission.
TRUE OR FALSE: Anyone can get a supply bucket/use the materials inside whenever they want.
FALSE: only Supply Bucket Mangers may get them with permission from Miss W.
In the hall, how should we carry our books back from the library?
Hugging them tight, make sure not to drop them!
What grades are allowed to play with the balls on the soccer field/ basketball court?
Third and Fourth graders, but not together.
What are the 3 Fillmore bathroom expectations?
Hush, Rush, Flush!
Where should you leave your papers when they are complete?
Leave them on your desk and wait Ozzie collects them!
We do not begin packing up/preparing the classroom to go home until _____ o'clock.
3 o'clock
In the hall, what is our first stopping point?
The first clock
TRUE OR FALSE: Only 2 people can set up the soccer goals each day.
Trick question! Each soccer goal takes 6 people to set up!
When using the bathroom during class, how many people are allowed out of the room at a time?
2 people, one person using the boys restroom and one using the girls.
FIll in the blank: When eating lunch, you ____ other people's trays.
What is our class reading goal?
1.5 years of reading growth
TRUE OF FALSE: You do not need to follow hallway procedures when you are walking by yourself in the hallway.
FALSE! You must always follow hall procedures, whether you are with your class or by yourself in the hallway!
When lining up we should listen for Miss W. to blow the whistle how many times?
3 times!
After using the restoom, during a whole class break, what should you do?
Line up outside of class and wait quietly while Miss W. uses the restroom.
By following the Fillmore procedures and Miss W.'s classroom procedures you may earn __________.
PBIS points!