A person who wanted to end slavery.
What is an abolitionist?
The U.S. Congress prohibited slavery in the Louisinana Territory above the 36.30 degree latitude line but allowed slavery below the 36.30 degree line.
What was The Missouri Compromise?
This was the forced removal of the Native Americans of Mississippi including the Choctaw Tribe.
What was The Trail of Tears?
Who was Jefferson Davis?
The overland route that flatboat operators would travel after going south on the Mississippi River. It would take them back northeast to Nashville.
What was the Natchez Trace?
What are internal improvements?
Adding territory to an exsisting governmental unit.
What is annexation?
A law that allowed the US government to remove Native Americans from their homelands in existing states and territories and relocate them to western lands in 1830.
What was The Indian Removal Act?
In 1803 President Jefferson bought a vast amount of territory from the country of France, and it doubled the size of The United States.
What was The Louisiana Purchase?
Who was Sister Thea Bowman?
What was the Devil's Backbone?
A law that established the territories of Kansas and Nebraska and repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820. It enraged abolistionists.
What was The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854?
Who were the free soliers?
A law passed in 1787 that established how the US would govern the Northwest Territory and how new states would join the Union. It forbade slavery in this territory.
The first Mississippi constitution, created before the territory was admitted to statehood.
What was The Constitution of 1817?
This slave was told by the Supreme Court that he was not freed in 1857, even though he had been taken into a free state. Slaves were recognized as personal property by The U.S. Constitution.
Who was Dred Scott?
It was intended to avoid the Civil War, which wa about to break out. However, the Fugitive Slave Act outraged many in the North, who refused to enforce it. California was admitted as a free state and the slave trade was abolished in Washington D.C.
What was The Compromise of 1850?
A tax placed on manufactured goods that are imported into America from foreign countries, its purpose is to protect American manufacturers.
What is protective tariff?
Withdrawl from a union.
An unsuccessful 1846 proposal in the United States Congress to ban slavery in territory acquired from Mexico in the Mexican–American War.
What was The Wilmont Proviso?
This treaty ended The Mexican War, wherein the U.S. acquired all or part of the present states of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and California.
What was The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
This former Mississippi Senator became Governor of the state to try and stop the fire-eaters from gaining more political power. He was physcially attacked because of political reasons. He became the leader of The Union Party.
Who was Governor Henry S. Foote?
An alligance to local, rather than national interests.
What is sectionalism?
What was a flat-boat?
A group of politicians in Mississippi who actively adocated for secession.
Who were the fire-eaters?
This was part of the original U.S. Constitution which did not reccognized slaves as human beings.
What was the 3/5 Compromise?
A period of economic expansion in early 1830's.
What were The Flush Times?
In 1850, this Senator from Kentucky proposed a series of resolutions to address the issue of slavery in western territories. The resolutions were intended to balance the interests of the North and the South.
Who was Senator Henry Clay?
Jefferson College and Elizabeth Female Academy were established in this city, which was the capital city of Mississippi before Jackson.
What is Washington, Mississippi?
This Mississippi Constitution replaced the unpopular and outdated Constitution of 1817. It did such things as removing property qualifications for public office and for voting.
What was the Constitution of 1832?
This political party was formed just to pledge secession of Misssippi from the U.S.
What was The State's Rights Party?
The two major political parties in antebellum Mississippi.
Who were The Whigs and The Democrats?
These were the two basic causes of The War of 1812.
What was freedom of the seas-fighting against Great Britain's navy, and an Indian War between the Creeks and Choctaw/Chickasaw Alliance?
He was a professor at Jefferson College in Washington, Mississippi. His beautiful potraits of birds and fowl are considered to be the greatest ever made. He identified at least 25 new species of birds in the U.S.
Who was John James Audubon?
The area south of this parallel, which is between the Pearl and Perdido Rivers, was added to Mississippi in 1810.
What is the 31st parallel (line of latitude)?
Mississippi Senators had to own over 300 acres of land. The House of Representatives had to own 150 acres of land. The Governor had to own 600 acres of land.