Name the network that was created to support Missouri's First Responders and has recently branched out to support medical staff (including Mental Health professionals)
What is Missouri First Responder Provider Network?
Name of screening tool that you can use to assess for suicidality?
Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale.
Name your local council
Who can you hotline to Adult Protective Services?
Anyone over the age of 60. Individuals between the ages of 18-59 who exhibit symptoms of a mental health, physical or intellectual disability (any disability).
Discussion: When would you hotline?
Name 2 things that a CBHL can help you with
Connect referral to resources
Provide feedback on a crisis situation
Provide affidavits
Resources for Officer Wellness
Provide FREE Post Training
Work on issues for the community at large
Name your favorite POSTIVE coping skill
Eating healthy
Drinking enough water
going to therapy
If you are unsure if someone meets criteria for a 96, who can you call?
Burrell Crisis line - 800-395-2132
Chair of Missouri River CIT council
Chief Jana MacKay
Hotline number for Adult Protective Services or Division of Health and Senior Services.
Website - where you can do online reporting.
This program diverts people away from using the ED to more appropriate resources. Insurance status does not matter.
What is Emergency Room Enhancement Program?
They can also utilize this program if there is DV in the home as well or previously.
An activity that you can participate after a critical incident that is shown to be helpful for first responders. What is that called?
What is a debrief, especially if co-led by a counselor.
Criteria for 96 hour hold
Imminent risk for harm to self.
Imminent risk of harm to others
Failure to meet basic needs
(Technically you can 96 someone based on substance use as well, but this very difficult to prove)
Who do you call to make a hotline when a child is involved (under age 18)?
Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline: 1-800-392-3738
Bonus/Discussion- when would you hotline?
What Behavioral Health services are in your area?
Fitzgibbon outpatient psychiatry
Katy Trail
What other agencies do you know about?
Equine therapy for First Responders in Kansas.
What is War Horses for Veterans?
Name 3 protective factors against suicidal actions
Good coping skills
Religiosity/Faith in a higher power
The annual Missouri CIT conference is held in what city?
Next one is March 2022
Name at least one shelter.
Survival House, CASA (Citizens against Spousal Abuse), Hope Haven of Cass County, House of Hope of Lafayette County. Harvest House-Boonville, Lighthouse Shelter-Marshall
Shelter, domestic and sexual assault crisis intervention, court advocacy and legal representations, support groups for women and children, adult education classes, sexual assault prevention program, outreach office.
If your CBHL doesn't answer, who do you call?
The crisis line!
They can dispatch a Crisis Response Clinician to assist or help you over the phone.
How long should you exercise after each shift to reduce effects of stress from working?
22 minutes of moderate exercise.
Reframe attention seeking
Connection seeking
Missouri is one of the only states that has a state CIT council. Who is the State CIT Coordinator?
Det. Jason Klaus
What services does Missouri Valley Community Action Agency provide? Name 2
Back to School Fairs, Tax Preparation for Low Income Families, Family Support (case management), Individual Development Account, Energy Assistance, Emergency Crisis Intervention Program, Head Start, Family Literacy, Enhancement Classes (Life Skills), General Education Development (GED), Section and Rental Assistance, Home Weatherization, Home Buyer Education, Energy Conservation Classes, Affordable Housing Development, Supportive Housing, Rural Entrepreneurship Initiative, and Technology Center.
How many psychiatric beds for adults are there in the state of Missouri? (This is not including geriatric beds, nor youth beds)
Best guess!