What did Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam find to be the single most important factor affecting student achievement?
Feedback on students' work.
What are the three broad categories of mistakes?
Slips, Errors, and Attempts.
What are two major sources of errors in language learning?
Interference and Developmental Errors.
What type of mistake requires teacher explanation because students can’t correct it on their own?
An error.
Who are the two researchers known for studying the impact of feedback on student achievement?
Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam.
What role do a teacher’s follow-up moves play after a student speaks?
They help clarify and build on the student’s ideas.
What kind of mistake is a “slip”?
A mistake that students can correct themselves once it’s pointed out.
What is "interference" in language learning?
Errors caused by the influence of a student's first language on their English learning.
What eventually happens to developmental errors as a child learns more?
They get sorted out as the child's understanding becomes more sophisticated.
According to Black and Wiliam, what has more effect on achievement than any other single factor?
Feedback on students' work.
Why is it important to tailor feedback to students and activities?
Because feedback is a crucial part of the learning process and should be appropriate to the learner's needs.
What is an "attempt" in language learning mistakes?
When a student tries to say something but does not yet know the correct way of saying it.
What are "developmental errors"?
Errors caused by over-generalizing new rules, sometimes leading to mistakes in things the student previously understood.
Why might students correct some mistakes easily but struggle with others?
Because some mistakes are deeply ingrained, while others are just slips that can be quickly corrected.
How does feedback influence students' learning process?
It helps them clarify their understanding, correct mistakes, and improve their skills.