Cultural Studies and Semiotics /Consumer Culture
Media Effects
The Public Sphere
Alternative Media

define cultural studies

practices among power systems to understand in relation to society/politics, British Marxists


define media effects

result from media influence

psychological: body changing response

physiological: shapes understanding

behaviour: goal of advertising, how you act after


define race as a socio-historical construction 

culturally constructed, framed by slavery/imperialism, history informs current day norms 


define the public sphere 

relation between democracy and its citizens, attention to printing/news press, sociological methods, economics, law, political science, and cultural history 


define and explain culture jamming 

undermines meanings of advertising in a form of symbolic protest 

eg anti ads, sub advertising, billboard banditry, brand jamming 


text and ideology 

media that can be interpreted, polysemic, perpetuate power relations-obstacles to social progress, common sense 


legacy of fear

communication technologies accompanied by discussion/concern


define othering

difference: consumption of representation of racialized others for greater pleasure, white consumer feels better

exoticism: foreign figures that romanticize culture

orientalism: "strips from orient of humanity"


define the location of politics in modern societies

between the state and private realm of civil society, voluntary association, discursive space 


explain respective functions of mainstream and alternative media 

mainstream- provide a uniform idea of ideals for society and to inform public 

alternative- argues for social change seeking to involve people and innovate


culture of consumption 

using, buying, shopping-how we make sense of the world and behave 


two-step flow 

Paul Lauzer-Decatur Study: media doesn't always shape opinion

Opinion Leaders: more likely to believe someone we trust 


discuss how cultural values regarding race and ethnicity are established in the media 

representation in the media using historical ideals/social identity, using stereotypes, under/overrepresentation, reflectionism? 


why mass communication is necessary for democracy

"to engage in public sphere citizens need good information...without a robust free press hard to imagine how any modern democracy.....of citizens can participate together as one public" 


compare and contrast alternative media with the characteristics of the mainstream media 

mainstream- appeal widely, prioritize profit, reinforce dominant structure

alternative- view in the minority, appeals to different audience and shapes another view from the mainstream 


5 values of consumption 

1. individualism

2. freedom

3. rationality

4. materialism

5. hedonism 


agenda setting theory

sets perimeter for what is worthy of attention, widely accepted 


regime of representation 

regime signals power dynamics about representation as a form of politics, maintains unequal power relations-Stuart Hall


public sphere as a phenomenon of print 

printed word created rationality which is used in democratic decisions also as a "mass ceremony"-the public of all private people (inclusive)


positively define alternative media as participatory, critical and heterodox-creative 

1. participatory- independent investigative open-source research, need critical mindset

2. critical- alternative political visions, content criticism for social movements

3. heterodox-creative- aesthetic concern, culturally radical content 


how consumption is entertainment in and of itself and how consumption features in entertainment media

-media themselves are consumer products, and the consumption of media is one of the values promoted by media

-merges entertainment of mass media with retail experience 


long-term cumulative effects construct reality shaping perception 

Dependency Theory: increasingly media dependent to understand the world


stakes of representation in media texts 

as a primary tool of communication it shapes public perceptions and has the power to normalize or disrupt cultural norms 

mode of address can influence self-concept, norms, politics, safety, civility, justice, community


why England was the first country to have a bourgeois public sphere

first country for capitalist development, "uniquely suited to the study of a critically debating public's gradual assumption of the functions of political control" 

existing parliament allowed self confident bourgeois to have an interest in opposition to the state 


give alternative media a negative definition 

not for profit, doesn't have a monopoly, not homogenized, mass media isn't available, absence of commercial focus and entertainment appeal 
