chromatin fibers condense, the nucleolus disappears and the nuclear envelope breaks down, spindle forms
two pairs of homologous chromosomes stick together and form tetrads, tetrads exchange genetic material through crossing over
prior to meiosis 1 and mitosis; cell grows, duplicates chromosomes, and checks system to prepare for division
Crossing over
exchange of genetic material; homologous chromosomes are closely paired all long their lengths, there is a precise gene-by-gene alignment between adjacent chromatids at the chromosomes (segments can be exchanged at one or more sites)
chromosomes align along the middle of the cell, spindle fibers attached to chromosomes
chromosomes align along middle of cell
Gap 1
cell grows, produces protein
Genetic recombination
after crossing over, a single chromosome that contains genetic information from both parents is produced
sister chromatids separate, spindle fibers pull the chromatids to the poles of the cell
sister chromatids separate and move to poles of cell
DNA duplication/replication
Difference in tumor types
benign- abnormal mass of cells, doesn't move
malignant- mass resulting from cancer cell reproduction, can metastasis
condensed threads of genetic material formed from chromatin as a cell prepares to divide
chromosomes reach the poles of the cell, spindle fibers disappear, the nuclear envelope reforms around the two new nuclei, and the chromosomes uncoil and lengthen
chromosomes reach poles of cell
Gap 2
cell continues to grow, produces protein, and prepares for division
a disease caused by severe disruption in the mechanisms that control the cell cycle, leading to uncontrolled cell division
Sister chromatid
one of a pair of identical chromosomes created before a cell divides
completes cell division process by dividing cytoplasm into 2 new cells
completes the cell division process by dividing cytoplasm into 2 new cells
amount of time spent
Mitosis - 2 identical daughter cells (diploid-2n=4)
Meiosis-4 different daughter cells (haploid-n=2) Only one set of homologous chromosomes
group of four chromatids formed during prophase 1 of meiosis by the two sister chromatids in each of the homologous chromosomes