What are B, AB, ABA, and Multiple Baseline Designs
The levels of measurement
What are nominal, ordinal, interval, and scale
A SSD that cannot be used to make causal inferences
What is Intervention Only or B design
The key characteristics of all measures
What are validity, reliability, measurement error, utility, and directness
When behavioral data being collected stabilizes in terms of its level and trend, and it is assumed that the behavior has reached its natural level in the environment, and that if no intervention is put in place the behavior level and trend will remain as is.
What is baseline logic
What we strive for in any measurement
What is accuracy and consistency
A requirement in order to be able to begin an intervention.
What is baseline stability.
The two types of measurement error
What are random and systematic
A type of design which is good for learned, non-reversible conditions but requires an extended baseline.
What is multiple baseline designs.
The minimum reliability rating that is considered ideal for determining the reliability of a measure- r= ____.