Name that Animal
Name that Food
Name that Occupation
Name that Place
Name that Emotion

I am the tallest land animal in the world.

I live in Africa and have a long neck that helps me reach leaves high up in trees.

My coat is covered in patches or spots that help me blend into the savannah.

I use my long tongue to grab food from trees.

Who am I?

What is a giraffe


Clue 1: This is a popular snack that is usually twisted in a knot shape.

Clue 2: It is often salty and sometimes dipped in mustard or chocolate.

Clue 3: You might find it at a bakery, carnival, or sports event.

What is a pretzel


Clue 1: This person works in a classroom and helps students learn new things.

Clue 2: They might give homework, teach subjects like math or history, and grade tests.

Clue 3: You see them every day at school, and they help you grow your knowledge.

What is a teacher


Clue 1: This country is home to ancient pyramids and the Great Sphinx.

Clue 2: The Nile River, one of the longest rivers in the world, flows through here.

Clue 3: Pharaohs ruled this land thousands of years ago.

What is Egypt


Clue 1: This feeling often comes from loss or disappointment.

Clue 2: You might cry or feel a heavy heart when experiencing this emotion.

Clue 3: It’s a natural response to certain events in life, like losing a pet or missing a friend.

What is sad/sadness


I live in the ocean and have eight arms.

I am known for my intelligence and ability to escape from tight spaces.

I can squirt ink to distract predators when I feel threatened.

I can change the color and texture of my skin to camouflage with my surroundings.

Who am I?

What is an octopus


Clue 1: This dish is a type of pasta, baked in layers with sauce, meat, and cheese.

Clue 2: It is often associated with Italian cuisine.

Clue 3: It's known for its rich flavor and sometimes has a layer of ricotta cheese.

What is lasagna


Clue 1: This person creates things like paintings, drawings, sculptures, or performances.

Clue 2: They express ideas or feelings through their creative work, using different tools like brushes or cameras.

Clue 3: You might see their work in a gallery, museum, or even on the street as murals.

What is an artist


Clue 1: This city is known as the "City of Lights" and is famous for its art and fashion.

Clue 2: It’s home to a famous Eiffel tower that’s often visited by tourists.

Clue 3: The Louvre Museum and the Notre-Dame Cathedral are also located here.

What is Paris


Clue 1: This emotion is often felt when you encounter something unappealing or unpleasant.

Clue 2: You might scrunch your nose or turn away when feeling this.

Clue 3: It can occur in reaction to bad smells, tastes, or certain behaviors.

What is disgust


I look like a horse but have a distinctive black-and-white striped pattern.

I live in groups on the African plains and use my stripes to confuse predators.

I am a fast runner, which helps me escape from danger.

No two of my kind have the same stripe pattern.

Who am I?

What is a zebra


Clue 1: This fruit is round, has a peel, and is a color that shares its name.

Clue 2: It’s known for being juicy and full of vitamin C.

Clue 3: You might peel and eat it or drink its juice for breakfast.

What is an orange


Clue 1: This person works in a hospital and performs operations to help people get better.

Clue 2: They use special tools in the operating room and need a lot of training to do their job.

Clue 3: If someone is very injured, they might need this person to help fix their body.

What is a surgeon


Clue 1: This place is called "The Happiest Place on Earth" and is filled with rides and characters.

Clue 2: It was created by a famous animator who is known for drawing a mouse.

Clue 3: You can find Sleeping Beauty’s Castle here.

What is Disneyland


Clue 1: This feeling makes you want to learn more about something or ask questions.

Clue 2: Children often exhibit this emotion when exploring new things.

Clue 3: It can lead you to investigate or seek out answers to your questions.

What is curious


I am a small, nimble creature often seen in trees or on the ground collecting nuts.

I have a bushy tail that helps me balance as I climb.

I am known for storing food for the winter.

I can leap between branches and scurry quickly to avoid predators.

Who am I?

What is a squirrel


Clue 1: This vegetable is typically orange, crunchy, and grows underground.

Clue 2: It is known for being good for your eyesight due to its high vitamin A content.

Clue 3: You can eat it raw, cooked, or even in a salad or juice.

What is a carrot


Clue 1: This person does experiments to discover new information about the world.

Clue 2: They might wear a lab coat and use tools like microscopes or test tubes.

Clue 3: They work in fields like biology, chemistry, or physics to learn how things work

What is a scientist


Clue 1: This is a place where you would go to watch a specific sport, often with a bat and ball.

Clue 2: Fans enjoy hot dogs and popcorn while watching teams like the Yankees or Dodgers.

Clue 3: It’s common to hear cheers when a player hits a home run here.

What is a Baseball Stadium


Clue 1: This feeling often happens when something unexpected occurs.

Clue 2: You might gasp or open your eyes wide when you experience this.

Clue 3: It can be a positive or negative reaction, like when you receive an unexpected gift or hear shocking news.

What is surprised


I am native to Australia and am known for hopping on two strong hind legs.

I carry my babies in a pouch on my belly.

I can jump great distances and use my tail for balance.

I have large ears and eat mainly grass and plants.

Who am I?

What is a kangaroo


Clue 1: This food is made from ground meat and often comes in a casing.

Clue 2: It can be grilled, fried, or added to other dishes like pasta or pizza.

Clue 3: You might eat this at breakfast with eggs or in a sandwich.

What is a sausage


Clue 1: This person designs, builds, or fixes machines, buildings, or technology.

Clue 2: They often work with computers, structures, or systems to solve problems.

Clue 3: You might find them working on cars, bridges, or even designing airplanes.

What is an engineer


Clue 1: This city is known for its steep hills and a famous red suspension bridge.

Clue 2: It is located in California and has a famous island prison nearby.

Clue 3: Cable cars are a popular way to get around the city.

What is San Francisco


Clue 1: This emotion often arises when you feel exposed or ashamed in a social situation.

Clue 2: You might blush or want to hide when experiencing this.

Clue 3: It can happen after making a mistake in front of others or forgetting someone’s name.

What is embarrassed/embarrassment
