The 3 smallest bones in the human body are found here.
What is the middle ear?
This is the only planet NOT named after a god.
This is the only food known to never spoil.
What is honey?
The national animal of this European country is the unicorn.
What is Scotland?
This story about a pale princess was the first full-length animated movie ever released.
What is Snow White?
This body part is approximately 7 meters long.
What is the small intestine?
This branch of Science is the study of stars, planets and galaxies.
What is Astronomy?
This is the only fruit with seeds on the outside.
What is a strawberry?
This half human, half fish creature was the subject of a popular Disney movie.
What is a mermaid?
Neo took the red pill in this sci-fi movie.
What is "The Matrix"?
We lose 80% of our body heat from this body part.
What is the head?
This planet is known as "The Morning Star".
What is Venus?
Mozzarella cheese is traditionally made from the milk of this animal. (Hint: it's not a cow)
What is a buffalo?
If you follow the rainbow to its end, you might find my pot of gold.
What is a leprechaun?
Steven Spielberg won his first Oscar for best director for this historical drama in 1993.
This is considered the strongest muscle in the body based on its weight relative to its size.
What is the masseter muscle (used for chewing)
This is the number of stars in "The Big Dipper" constellation.
What is 7?
This vegetable has more protein per calorie than steak.
What is broccoli?
Traditionally grotesque in apperarance, this creature has been cast in stone on the outside of many buildings, often as a waterspout.
What is a gargoyle?
She played the "unsinkable" Molly Brown in the movie "Titanic".
Who is Kathy Bates?
This blood type is the rarest in humans.
What is AB negative? (less than 1% of the population)
This was the name of the spacecraft that carried the first astronauts to the moon.
What is Apollo 11?
This fruit bounces when ripe.
What are cranberries?
Thousands of sightings of this furry mountain giant have been reported, but never verified.
What is Bigfoot? (or Sasquatch/ Abominable Snowman/ Yeti)
Julie Andrews won the Best Actress Academy Award for this 1964 musical blockbuster
What is Mary Poppins?