Comparing and Contrasting
Temporal Directions
Complex Sentences
Compound Sentences
Inferences and Conclusions

Tell one way a flower and a tree are the same and one way they are different.

A flower and a tree both are types of plants/ They both have leaves etc.

A flower has petals but a tree has branches/ A flower is smaller than a tree etc.


Before you say your name, say your age.

I am ___ and my name is ____.


Combine the sentences using one of the conjunctions: as, before, after, when, if

You are an adult.

You can drive a car.

If you are an adult, you can drive a car.

You can drive a car if you are an adult.


Combine the sentences using the word "and."

I like pizza.

I like hamburgers.

I like hot dogs.

I like pizza, hamburgers and hot dogs.


Anna and Sophie sat in their chairs staring straight ahead for nearly two hours. They did not talk or hardly even move, but they were not bored at all. 

What were Anna and Sophie doing?
What makes you think that?

They were watching a movie. 

I know that movies last about 2 hours long and that you sit and look at the television during the movie. I know movies are entertaining to watch even though you stay still the whole time.


Tell one way spring and summer are the same and different.

They are both seasons.

Spring is cool or warm but summer is hot/ Spring weather can be rainy but summer is typically sunny etc.


Say the current season before you say the month.

It is ____ and the month is ____.


Combine the sentences using one of the conjunctions: as, before, after, when, if

It is my birthday

I will have a party with my friends

When it is my birthday, I will have a party with my friends.

I will have a party with my friends when it is my birthday.


Combine the sentences using the word "but."

I like hamburgers.

I don't like hot dogs.

I like hamburgers, but I don't like hot dogs.


Derek ran up the court. "I'm open!" he yelled toward the boy with the ball. The boy passed the ball to Derek and he made the shot! The crowd cheered as two more points were added to the scoreboard.

What game was Derek playing?

How do you know?

He was playing basketball.

I know basketball is played on a basketball court and that you pass the ball and shoot it. You also earn 2 points usually when you score in basketball.


Tell one way minecraft and roblox are the same and one way they are different.

They both are videogames.

In minecraft ____ but in roblox____.


After you say your favorite sport, say your favorite videogame.

My favorite sport is ___ and my favorite videogame is ____.


Combine the sentences using one of the conjunctions: as, before, after, when, if

You finish middle school.

You will go to high school.

After you finish middle school, you will go to high school.

Before you go to high school, you finish middle school.

Combine the sentences using a conjunction. 

I went to the store.

I stopped for gas.

I went to the store and I stopped for gas.

The scout leader looked at the sky and muttered something under his breath. Then he looked at the map. "Let's get moving," he called to the group of tired boys. "The faster the better."

What do you think the scout leader was feeling? Why?

He was feeling nervous/anxious possibly because it was getting dark and they needed to find their spot to camp before nightfall.

Compare and contrast soccer and basketball.

They both are sports.

In soccer_____ but in basketball____.


Say your age after you say your grade.

I am in ___ grade and I am ___ years old.


Combine the sentences using one of the conjunctions: as, before, after, when, if

I like to eat popcorn.

I watch a movie.

I like to eat popcorn as I watch a movie.

I like to eat popcorn when I watch a movie.


Combine the sentences using the word "or."

We could see a movie.

We could play videogames.

We could see a movie or play videogames.


Gloria was driving around the neighborhood in her pajamas. Every block or so she'd stop the car, hold her head out the door, whistle, and call out "Candy! Candy! Come here girl!" Then she'd start the car again and drive another block or two at a slow rate, looking around from left to right. Curtis sat in the passenger seat. He was looking around too, but he held his head low. "How many times have I told you to make sure that you shut and lock the door after you come in?" Gloria reprimanded Curtis. Curtis sighed. He felt bad enough without her finger wagging.

Why does Curtis feel bad?

He feels bad because he left the door open and their dog got out and is now lost.


Compare and contrast elementary school and middle school.

In both elementary and middle school, you learn math, reading and writing.

In elementary school _____ but in middle school ____.


Before you say the day and date, say the year.

It is ____ and today is ____ the ____.


Combine the sentences using one of the conjunctions: as, before, after, when, if

You can stop wearing a mask.

Coronavirus is no longer a big threat.

You can stop wearing a mask after coronavirus is no longer a big threat.

You can stop wearing a mask when coronavirus is no longer a big threat.


Make up your own sentence about the upcoming weekend or break using the word "or."

Example: Over the break I could sleep late and relax or get up early and get some chores done.

Mr. Ericson was a manager at a small insurance company in Minnesota. One cold day in January, April McKenzie, one of his employees, approached him about some time off from work. "This job is very important to me, Mr. Ericson, but I've been called into jury duty. When my government asks for my help, I have to answer the call." Mr. Ericson rubbed his forehead. "We really need you here, April, but the government needs you more. Take the time. We'll be alright." Mr. Ericson thought that they needed her there, but they managed fine without her. A week passed and April returned to the office. When April returned, Mr. Ericson noticed that most of her body was a shade of bright red except for around her eyes. Pale white circles ran from the top of her eyebrows to the bottom of her cheeks. These pale circles around her eyes were surrounded by sunburned flesh. That's when Mr. Ericson knew. "April, step into my office. There are some things we need to discuss," Mr. Ericson said ominously.

What do you think Mr. Ericson will discuss with April? How do you know that?

He will discuss the issue of lying about jury duty and missing work for a vacation without asking for vacation time. He knows and we know she was on vacation and not at jury duty because she was sunburned.
