WH questions

List 3 attributes of an apple

red, round, tastes sweet, fruit, has a stem, has a core


Vivian likes to help her parents with the garden during the summer.   Vivian helps by filling up the watering can with the garden hose, and then her father carries the watering can over to the garden.

What does Vivian do to help her parents with the garden? 

Fills the watering can with the garden hose


List 3 attributes of a rose

plant, red and green, has thorns, has leaves, has petals


2. Kian loves to play baseball.. Today, Kian grabbed his baseball mitt and went outside. Kian saw his friend Jamie playing in his yard across the street. Kian asked Jamie if he wanted to play catch, and Jamie agreed.

Who agreed to play catch with Kian? 



List 3 attributes of a penguin

bird, black and white, lives in the cold, has a beak, swims


Georgina is taking swim lessons this summer with her friend Gillian. They just started last week, and Georgina feels like she is really learning a lot. Her swim instructor is very nice and always makes the lessons fun.  Her swim lessons are every Monday and Wednesday.

When are Georgina’s swim lessons? 

Every Monday and Wednesday


List 3 attributes of a cow

animal, lives on a farm, white with black spots, 4 legs, eats grass



Calla is very bored today. It is a wet summer day, and normally in the summer, she spends most of her days outside. Calla is trying to think of something to do, and then she realizes that it is a perfect day to go to the movies since the weather is so rainy. Calla immediately goes to ask her mother if she can bring her to the movies, and she also decides to ask if she can invite her friend Annalise to come too.

Why is it a perfect day to go to the movies?

It is rainy 


List 3 attributes of a bicycle

you can ride it, has 2 wheels, has pedals, has brakes, has handles


 Taylor goes to day camp, and every year, the camp hosts a talent show for all of the campers and staff.  Taylor decides to ask his older brother for some ideas, and his brother suggests juggling. Taylor has been learning how to juggle from his brother, and Taylor decides that he will juggle in the talent show this year.

What does Taylor decide to do for the talent show this year? 

