This sport is the most watched by americans
Name the US scientist in charge of the Manhattan project
J Robert Oppenheimer
What is the heaviest animal in the world
blue whale
Which country borders the most countries
Which state has the most colleges
What are the 5 most popular sports in America
football basketball baseball hockey soccer
Which 2 cities did America use the atomic bomb on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
What are the 3 most populated animals in America
dogs cats fish
Which countries make up the UK
England Ireland Wales Scotland
What was the first American college and when was it established
Harvard 1636
You must be bad at tennis to play this England originated sport
Name all ten presidents during the cold war
Franklin Roosevelt Harry truman Dwight Eisenhower John f Kennedy Lyndon Johnson Richard Nixon Gerald Ford Jimmy Carter Ronald Reagan George HW bush
What is the most popular dog breed in America
Labrador retriever
Which country was the birthplace of cricket
The first college football game was played by these 2 teams and when was it played
Rutgers and Princeton November 6 1869
What are the 3 most populated sports in the world
Cricket soccer hockey
US General who led American troops at Normandy
Dwight Eisenhower
What is the smallest animal in the world
Paedophryne amuensis
Which is the smallest country in the world
Vatican City
Which 2 colleges have the lowest acceptance rates
Stanford and Columbia
Which country has the most cricket world cups and how many
Australia 5
What was the White House originally named
The presidents house
What is the most populated animal on earth
Red-billed Quelea
What is the 2nd least populated city in the world
In 2021 what college had the most students
Arizona St.