India vs. Mesopotamia
Earth's Layers
Life Cycles and Needs
Social Thinking

Some green plants perform photosynthesis.

A ficus is a green plant.


Maybe a ficus performs photosynthesis.


Statements end with a _____, but questions end with a _______, and commands end with a _____.


Question Mark

Exclamation Point


In the United States, we use 4 main coins. 

Name them and say how much they are worth.

Penny - 1 Cent

Nickel - 5 Cents

Dime - 10 Cents

Quarter - 25 Cents


Ancient India and Ancient Mesopotamia were both ruled by a ____ in a government system called ____.




A round model of the Earth is called a ______, and it is in the shape of a ______.




Name the layers of the Earth from surface to deepest.

We live on the _____.

Crust, Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core



Organisms meet their needs in ________.

An example would be a camel meets its needs in ______.

Its Habitat

A desert


When is the best time to use the restroom?

- When the teacher is explaining directions

- Breaks or independent work

- Right when I arrive at my next class

It's unexpected to go at other times because ____.

Breaks or Independent work

You will miss important information and it is disrespectful to your teacher and classmates.


An herbivore's eyes do not face the front.

A rabbit is an herbivore.


A rabbit's eyes do not face the front.


After taking a test, you set a timer for 3 minutes to review your work. Give 2 examples of things you could check during that time?

- See if any questions are blank.

- See if you agree with all of your answers.

- See if you put your name and the date. 

- See if your sentences have capitals and periods.

- See if anything is underlined for spell or grammar check. 


How many ____ to make 1 Dollar? 

- Pennies ____

- Nickels ____

- Dimes ____

- Quarters ____






The two main rivers that supported the Ancient Indian civilizations were _____ and _____, while the rivers that supported the Ancient Mesopotamian civilization were ____ and ____.

Indus and Ganges

Tigris and Euphrates


Draw a Compass Rose on the board and label the directions.


The only layer Scientists can directly observe is the ____ because ______.

They learn about the _____ by ________.

They learn about the _____ by ________.

Crust because it is too hot to dig deeper

Mantle by observing volcanic eruptions.

Core by making inferences


Organisms have this life cycle: ____, ____, ____, and ____.

Which step means "make babies?"

How do plants perform this step?

Be Born, Grow, Reproduce, and Die


They make seeds.


Someone is reading aloud a sentence from the slide. 

I should be _____ because ________.

Listening and reading along on my own slide

Otherwise, I may not learn the information, or I may repeat what they said which will annoy my classmates and make it take longer for us to finish.


Some plants absorb water through their roots.

A camel drinks water. 


We know nothing. 


What is wrong with this sentence?

Scientists classify Consumers into carnivores herbivores omnivores. 

It needs commas and the word "and." Consumers should not be capitalized.

Scientists classify consumers into carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores.


Name two different ways to make $0.38 with coins.

1 Quarter, 1 Dime, and 3 Pennies

3 Dimes and 8 pennies

7 Nickels and 3 pennies

38 Pennies

(Any combination that adds to $0.38)


The Ancient Indian writing system was called ____, while the Ancient Mesopotamian writing system was called ____.




Most early civilizations were located near ______ because ________.


The water was used for farming.


Describe the composition of each layer of the Earth.

Crust - Solid Rock

Mantle - Liquid Rock

Outer Core - Liquid Metal

Inner Core - Solid Metal


Organisms have these needs: ____, ____, ____, and ____.

Which need means "to stay safe?"

Give an example of how an organism meets this need.

Food, Water, Shelter, Air


(A human meets its need in a house, a frog meets this need by camouflaging with the grass, a bird meets this need by building a nest...)


Little conflicts happen all the time in middle school. 

Give an example of a conflict adults need to know about and an example students can solve themselves.

Students can solve:

- Disagree about how to play a game, disagree about who gets what seat, disagree about whether to trade-in for basketball or computer time, someone called a student a rude name or gave a mean look.

Adults need to be involved:

- Someone was injured. 

- Someone threatened to hurt someone else

- Someone got sick


All organisms are living things.


So a frog is a living thing.

A frog is an organism.


What is wrong with this sentence?

do any planets besides earth have living things

It needs to start with a capital, end with a question mark, and Earth should be capitalized.

Do any planets besides Earth have living things?


You buy a hot chocolate for $3 and a donut for $1. 

How much do you owe? ___

If you pay with a $5 bill, how much do you get in change? ___

$3 + $1 = $4

$5 - $4 = $1


Give an example of a famous Mesopotamian ruler and explain why he was famous, and then give an example of a famous Indian ruler and explain why he was famous.


- Hammurabi - wrote the first book of laws

- Gilgamesh - killed monsters


- Ashoka - spread Buddhism and non-violence

- Siddhartha Gautama - was the founder of Buddhism


The Himalayas are a famous _______, formed at a _____ plate boundary, where the country of _____ combined with the continent of _______.

The tallest mountain in this range is ______.

Mountain Range




Mt. Everest


The Outer Core and Liquid Core are both ______. 

The Outer Core is ____ because _________, while the Inner Core is ____ because ________.


Liquid; so hot

Solid; so much pressure


Humans and fish both breathe in _____. 

But humans use their ____ and fish use their ____.


Lungs; Gills


One of the popular kids at lunch says he'll be my friend if I buy him a Poptart from the cafeteria. I really like this kid but in the past, he's mostly ignored me.

Should I buy him the Poptart? ___ because ______

No because:

- He doesn't really want to be friends. 

- He's just using me to get free food. 

- He will probably keep asking me to buy him things.

- My parents don't want me wasting my money buying other kids snacks.



A cat is a carnivore.

A cat does not have dull teeth.

No carnivores have dull teeth.


Fix this sentence.

One example of an organism is cows, horses, and trees.

It gives multiple examples so it should be:

Some examples of organisms are cows, horses, and trees.


You and a friend want to buy a pizza that costs $16. 

Right now, you each have $6. 

Do you have enough for the pizza?

How much more do you need?

What do you each owe?

You have $12. 

You need $4 more dollars. 

You each owe $2.  


Name one similarity between Ancient India and Ancient Mesopotamia and one difference.

Both were built near rivers, in Asia, were monarchies, had polytheistic religions, no longer exist today, built their economy through trade, had a rigid social structure ...

(Any difference is acceptable)


The United States has these boundaries:

The country of _____ to the North and _____ to the South

The ____ Ocean to the East and the ____ Ocean to the West

Name one disruption that is more common on the West Coast and explain why.

Canada; Mexico

Atlantic; Pacific

Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are more common on the West Coast because the Pacific Ocean has more transform and convergent boundaries. 


The mantle and core are similar because _____.

The mantle and core are different because _____.

They are both deeper than the crust. They are both very hot. Scientists cannot directly observe them. 

The mantle is made of rock, but the core is made of metal. The core is even hotter than the mantle. We can see parts of the mantle during a volcano but we can never see parts of the core.


Plants and animals both need food, but plants meet this need by _______ while animals meet this need by _____________. 

Plants and animals both need air, but plants meet this need by _______ while animals meet this need by _____________.

Plants and animals both need water, but plants meet this need by _______ while animals meet this need by _____________.

Making it from sunlight; eating

Breathing in carbon dioxide; breathing in oxygen

Absorbing through the roots; drinking


I ask my classmate what he did this weekend and he says, "I don't really want to talk about it." 

Continuing to ask would be ____ because ____.

Annoying or Unexpected

- He may have gotten in trouble and feel embarrassed

- He may have had a hard time this weekend and feel uncomfortable.  

- It is rude to keep asking after someone has told you, "No."
