nevlastní sestra
step sister
I have never ________ to Japan.
Once in a blue moon
Jednou za uherský rok
hladat klíče
look for the keys
Těším se na další dovolenou.
I look forward to my next vacation.
zametat podlahu
to sweep the floor
This jacket really ________ you. (sluší)
suits you
hlavní postava
main character
Potřebuji odložit naši schůzku.
I need to put off our meeting.
Petr nevychází dobře se svým novým šéfem.
Peter doesn't det on well with his new boss.
__________ he was tired, he managed to finish the assignment on time.
Let the cat out of the bag.
Vysyp to. = prozraď tajemství
Můj švagr seče trávník dvakrát za měsíc.
My brother-in-law mows the lawn twice a month.
If I _________ you, I would resign.
If I WERE you, I would resign.
Translate : I bought it on sale, it was a real bargain.
Koupil jsem to ve slevě, byla to opravdu výhodná koupě.
John se včera zhroutil.
John broke down yesterday.
I haven't sent the report yet.
Donutit někoho.
to force someone / to make someone do sth
________ her many attempts, she couldn't get promoted.
I need __________ (a few / a little ) information.
a little
Došla nám káva.
We ran out of coffee.
Kdybych nevyjel z domu pozdě, stihnul bych včas tu schůzku.
If I didn't leave the house late, I would make the meeting on time.