What season is it now?
Name 5 sports.
Football, ice skating, badminton, table tennis, golf, skiing,
How many do you see? Use a complete sentence.
I see five spoons.
Say at least 4 colors in the rainbow:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
Describe the feeling
How many days are in a week?
7 days
Quelle est la capitale de la France ?
She _____ a blue book. (have/has)
Name 2 sweet foods.
cookies, cake, ice cream.....
Name three chores you have to do at home.
do the dishes, do the laudry, cook, do the ironing
Which day comes after tomorrow?
What do you call the meal you eat in the middle of the day?
Name 5 body parts
Head, Arm, Leg, Hand, Elbow, etc
Comment s’appelle le président actuel de la France?
Emmanuel Macron
What day was it before yesterday?
What is: Wednesday
What do we call the cold and white rain that falls from the sky?
What do you call your mom's children?
What is: Siblings
My sister's sons are my ____
What are: Nephews
What do you say at this time?
Happy Birthday!
What is the opposite of outgoing?
Quelle est la devise de la France ?
Égalité, liberté, fraternité
Who is your mother's mother's mother
Great-grand mother
Name the months in a year.
January, February, ...
Name 4 animals that can jump
rabbit, frog, kangaroo, Grasshopper , impala, jumping spider.
Translate: Plato, Cuchara, Tenedor, Cuchillo
plate(dish), spoon, fork, knife.
True or False:
President John F. Kennedy was murdered
What is: True
Who was Jorge Eliecer Gaitan
Political Leader(caudillo del pueblo) IN 1948
Murdered on April 9
e nationalité française, vainqueur de la Ligue des champions en tant que joueur et entraîneur.
Zinedine Zidane
Rewrite and say the following sentence in the passive voice:
People have been speaking Spanish in many countries for centuries
Spanish has been being spoken by people in many countries for centuries
Name 5 ways to travel
By Bus, by Car, on Bike, by Train, by Airplane,
on foot, on horse
What happened on August 7th, 1819
Our final independence battle in Boyaca
How many stars does the USA flag have,
and what do they represent?
50 stars, and represent the 50 states.
True or False
The United States won independence from Europe.
If it is false give the correct answer.
It won independence from England
Capital of New York State?
Quelle est la date de la prise de la Bastille ?
14 juillet 1789