meros, vasiyatnoma
inheritance, will
suniy yo'ldoshlar yangiliklar aniqlash uchun ishlatiladi
satellites are used to discover news
bolalar kattalardek tez fikrlay oladi
children can think as fast as the elderly
hayot jarayonlari jonli mavjudotlar tomonidan bajariladi
life processes are carried out by living things
kimnidir qandaydir deb bilmoq
see smb as adj
- 200
Ronaldoda Messidagidan ko'ra anchagina ko'p kuzatuvchilari bor
ronaldo has much more subscribers than Messi
- 300
- 300
bolalar uyidagi bolalar odamlar tomonidan asrab olinshi kerak
children in orphanages should be adopted by people
bu quiz men shu paytgacha o'ynagan eng qiziq quizim
this quiz is by far the most interesting quiz i have ever played
(thaaankkk youuuuuu)
gullar yo shamol yoki hasharotlar tomonidan changlanadi
flowers are pollinated by either insects or the wind
men endigina u bilan yaxshi chiqisha oldim
i have just been able to got along well with him
oldingi ajdodlarimiz haqida bilimlar yig'ilardi
knowledge about our previous ancestors used to be gained
ingliz tili o'rganayotgan o'quvchilarning foizi rus tili o'rganayotganlardan 3 marta ko'p
the percentage of students who are learning english is 3 times as much as ...
o'simlikda qancha ko'p ildiz hujayralar bo'lsa, shncha ko'p suv so'riladi
the more root hairs there are, the more water is absorbed
2ta o'rkachli tuyalar dunyodagi eng kamyob hayvonlardir
camels with 2 humps are by far the rarest animals in the world
suniy yo'ldoshlar haqida bilimlar egallash menga qiyin bo'ldi
gaining knowledge about the satellites has been difficult for me
ta'limda qanchalik ko'p o'zgartirishlar qilinsa, davlat shunchalik tez rivojlanadi
the more changes are made in education, the faster the government develops
qancha uzoq yugursang, shuncha kam charchaysan
the further you run, the less you get tired
sudralib yuruvchi hayvonlar uchib yuruvchi hayvonlardan 2 baravar xavfliroq
creeping animals are twice as dangerous as flying animals
qaysi tilni o'rganayotgan bo'lishingizdan qati nazar, anchagina mehnatkatroq bo'lishingiz kerak
no matter what language you are learning, you should be far more hardworking