I feel so ___?
A. hapy
B. happi
C. happy
Lets go ____!
A. pay
B. plai
C. play
We wet sailing in a _____.
A. bote
B. boat
C. boet
Let's go _____ lunch.
A. iet
B. eyt
C. eat
I don't like to eat ____.
A. stew
B. stue
C. stoo
That _____ is so cute!
A. puppy
B. pupee
C. puppi
My necklace has a ___.
A. chain
B. chan
C. chayn
Its cold, put on a ____
A. coat
B. cowt
C. cot
I don't ____ good.
A. feel
B. fell
I want to go to the ___.
A. zoo
B. zow
C. zu
Why is the road so _____?
A. bumpy
B. pompy
C. bumpie
You have to ____.
A. pai
B. play
C. pay
I have a pinky _______.
A. toe
B. to
C. tow
Is that toy ____?
A. frie
B. free
C. frea
I _____ in the airplane.
A. flue
B. flu
C. flew
I need a ____ to the house.
A. kee
B. kie
C. key
Don't go in the _____.
A. ran
B. rayn
C. rain
We watched the ____.
A. show
B. shoe
C. sho
Hey! Thats my _____.
A. siet
B. seet
C. seat
I want to eat ____.
A. food
B. fud
C. feud
Give me the _____.
A. monie
B. munny
C. money
You're as slow as a ______.
A. snayl
B. snail
C. snale
That is a ____ truck.
A. toa
B. toe
C. tow
That bird has a ____.
A. beek
B. beak
C. bik
I want to read a ____.
A. buek
B. buke
C. book