Albert Einstein

Which substance is a mixture? sugar/ salt/ water/ milk

What is milk


Which of the following is NOT a chemical change?

A.Sugar dissolving in water

B.Fire burning paper

C.Souring milk

D.Rusting metal

What is sugar dissolving water 


If we wanted to separate metal shards from water what are two things we can use

What is filter and magnet 


What happens when Distillation occurs when separating a homogeneous mixture?

What is boiling point 

what occurs during all chemical changes?
What is new bonds form between atoms/ new substance formed

A law that states that the total mass of the substances before a chemical change is the same as the total mass of the substances after the chemical change. 

What is law of conservation of mass 

which of these represents a chemical change? A. a match is lit, creating a yellow-orange flame B. a small pie e of ice melts, changing from a solid to a liquid C. a ball of clay sinks in water, and floats when reshaped. D. a pot of water is heated to boiling, and evaporation occurs
What is A. a match is lit, creating a yellow-orange flame

A mixture in which two or more pure substances are not evenly mixed

what is Heterogeneous Mixture 


A mixture in which two or more pure substances are evenly mixed.

What is Homogeneous Mixture 

which statement best describes a physical change? A. a process separates water into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas B. an iron nail exposed to the atmosphere forms rust. C. burning carbon releases the gas carbon dioxide. D. salt added to a cup of water makes salt water.
What is D. salt added to a cup of water makes salt water.

the chemical process of burning coal produces energy and ash. the ash produced is best described as a... A. new state of matter B. new type of element C. substance with properties identical to coal D. substance with properties different from coal.

What is D. substance with properties different from coal.


a student stirs together salt crystals and sugar crystals. the crystals are the same size and color. together the salt and sugar make a ... solution/ compound/ mixture/ molecule

What is mixture


which process most likely produces a physical change, without a chemical change? A. a solid is exposed to heat and transforms into a liquid B. two liquids are mixed together and a solid forms in the solution C. a metal burns in air and produces a white powder D. a metal is exposed to water and becomes corroded

What is A. a solid is exposed to heat and transforms into a liquid

a student observes that a gas if sormed when chemical Y is added to chemical Z in the lab. The student's observation of a new product beign formed is the common outcome of all __________ changes. physical/ chemical/ mass/ phase
What is chemical

In distillation, the mixture is heated until the pure substance with the lowest boiling point changes to a gas. This gas is typically condensed back into a _______________

what is a liquid
a combination of salt and sugar grains is best classified as a mixture because... A. the grains taste different from one another B. both the salt and sugar grains are in the same state of matter C. no new chemical bonds are formed between the salt and sugar grains D. a new product is formed when the salt and sugar grains are combined.
What is C. no new chemical bonds are formed between the salt and sugar grains

a student applies heat to a solid substance. which indicates that a chemical change occurred? A. the substance becomes a liquid but solidifies when cooled B. the substance changes color and stays that color when cooled C. the substance goes from liquid to gas very quickly D. the substance expands but stays the same color

What is B. the substance changes color and stays that color when cooled

students heated a white solid. the solid produced a flame during the heating process. the product cooled into a black solid. which statement best classifies this change? A. the change was only physical because the heat produced a color change. B. the change was only physical because the properties of the substance were permanently changed C. the change was only chemical because the substance remained in its original state D. the change was only chemical because a flame was produced
What is D. the change was only chemical because a flame was produced
a student performed a classroom investigation by mixing a purple liquid and a white powder. the result was a blue solid. the student could best classify this reaction as a _________ change. physical/ weight/ mass/ chemical
What is chemical

From the choices below, what are two different ways to separate a Heterogeneous Mixture? 





What is Filtering and Distillation

two students work on different substances in a science lab. student 1 has a mixture and student 2 has a compound. both students will separate the parts of their substances. which best describes a result of the separation processes? A. only the mixture will go through a chemical change B. only the mixture will release heat when the parts are separated C. each part of the compound will gain mass during separation D. each part of the compound will have different chemical properties
What is D. each part of the compound will have different chemical properties
hydrogen and water combine to form water. which statement best explains how this reaction is similar to all chemical reactions? A. matter is created. B. energy is released C. the product is in a different state than the reactants D. the product has different properties from the reactants
What is D. the product has different properties from the reactants
a science teacher demonstrated physical and chemical changes by using a fork to hold a marshmallow over alit candle. which observation is the best evidence of a chemical change? A. some candle wax melted B. metal in the fork became warmer C. the marshmallow became sticky on the inside D. the marshmallow developed a brown crust on the outside
What is D. the marshmallow developed a brown crust on the outside

a strip of magnesium burns at a temperature of about 2220C. burning magnesium produces a brilliant white light and leaves behind a white powder known as magnesium oxide. which best explains why the burning of magnesium results in a chemical reaction? A. a new substance is formed B. a temperature increase occurred C. the appearance of the magnesium strip changed. D. the state of matter of the magnesium strip changed

What is A. a new substance is formed

a student observes actions that occurred in four different eggs. which action describes only a chemical change? A. cut up egg B. stirred egg C. rotting egg D. dropped egg
What is C. rotting egg