This person is the only who team member resides in the Midwest.
Chad Harju - Michigan
Who owns the Dachshund named Winry?
Sara Ott
This person listened to the least amount of music.
This person bought a scuba shop before knowing how to scuba dive.
John Swanson
The person owns a review instagram for the best wings in their area.
Nik Stojanovic
This person is the only one located south of the Mason-Dixon line.
Cameron Austin - Virginia
Who owns Luna and describes her a 'goober'?
This person listened to more music than anyone else at 81893 minutes.
Nik Stojanovic
This person solo traveled both Brazil and Russia.
Chad Harju
This person snowboarded 42 days in a single season.
Isaac Martinez
These two people reside in the Mile High State.
Sara Ott & Isaac Martinez - Colorado
This person owns four pets, including the two here.
Scooby, Stormi, Sunny, Lila
Despite being the most played artist of 2024, only these two people had her in their top 5 artists.
Sara & Cameron
Fidel Castro is this person's first cousin twice-removed.
Daniel Garcia
This person is related to the Rockafellers.
Sara Ott
What burrows of NYC are represented in the Marketing and SDR teams?
Manhattan, Brooklyn, & Queens.
These two tan good pups named Tucker and Cooper are owned by which two people? (I didn't want to leave any dogs out).
Cameron - Tucker
Everett - Cooper
These two people are the team's biggest rap fans despite them listening to a mix of artist:
Daniel & Isaac
This person was a semi-pro paintball player.
Erik Fine
This person was a competitive baton twirler.
Cameron Austin
What state is Greg Alvo from?
Daniel and Erik both own dogs named after food. What are their dogs names?
Daniel - Bao
Erik - Mochi
This Spotify wrapped is owned by which person:
John Swanson
This person has now visited 24 out of 51 states with this company all hands.
Garrett Marshall
This person had a pet chicken in college.
Everett Martin