Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Mini-applications embedded in banner ads that permit consumers access to dynamic content from external sources are called:
Which of the following statements about consumer-generated ads placed on social networks is not true? -Most ads on social networks are produced by consumers -Some advertising experts believe the future of advertising is in user-generated ads rather than agency-produced ads -Consumer-generated ads are viewed as more genuine than company-generated ads -Encouraging consumers to generate ads for a product is a creative form of interactive marketing
Most ads on social networks are produced by consumers
These are people who already like a brand and are asked by the company to be a sponsor
brand ambassadors or customer evangelists
This is the integration of entertainment and advertising by embedding brands into the storyline of a movie, television show, or other entertainment medium
branded entertainment
When a new music store distributes literature and free key chains at a rock concert, the group is engaging in:
lifestyle marketing
Web 4.0 was the first to:
include cloud operations and Web participation
While e-commerce can increase international orders, many are turned away primarily because the company:
does not have a process in place to fill the order
This is attractive to marketers because a recommendation by another person carries a higher level of credibility than does advertising
Buzz marketing or word-of-mouth
Product placements have been a part of motion pictures since: -the beginning of motion pictures in the 1890s -the rise of the popularity of television in the 1950s -the turn of the 21st century -about 1990
the beginning of motion pictures in the 1890s
Advergame are
Branded video games
The fastest growing category of online advertising is: media/video ads spot search ads classified ads display or banner ads
media/video ads
Which statement below is true about Web 4.0? Selected Answer: -it created online communities that connected buyers and sellers in new ways -it allowed customers to visit bricks and mortar stores over the Internet in real time -it included interactive company and brand websites, social media, blogs, and other communication formats -it failed to offer a multichannel communication system that would allow businesses and customers to speak to each other
it included interactive company and brand websites, social media, blogs, and other communication formats
Guerilla marketing tactics include the following, except: -creativity -willingness to try something unusual -offering coupons and rebates -quality relationships
offering coupons and rebates
The majority of purchase decisions are made:
in the retail store
Forms of alternative media programs include the following, except: -guerilla marketing -product placement -online marketing -buzz marketing
online marketing
Web analytics should be used to monitor the following actions of an e-mail campaign, except: Selected Answer: -where the individuals went within the website -why individuals abandoned their shopping cart before making a purchase -what individuals did at the website -percentage of individuals from the e-mail campaign who accessed the website
why individuals abandoned their shopping cart before making a purchase
Which combines all of the elements of e-commerce, Internet marketing, and mobile marketing? digital marketing Web 2.0 Web analytics e-mail
digital marketing
The newest and most expensive in-store marketing tactic is: -digital point-of-purchase displays -electronic, automated shopping carts -carefully placing and using video screens and television monitors -end-of-aisle caps that are tied into the brand's marketing effort
digital point-of-purchase displays
According to the Word of Mouth Marketing Association, when a company uses its employees or those of its agency as advocates or brand evangelists, then these individuals should:
be upfront and clearly identify themselves as being with the company
Point-of-purchase displays are highly effective means for: -pull-demand strategies -reciprocation tactics -increasing sales -brand parity situations
increasing sales
Companies can speed up the process of SEO with paid search insertions by:
registering with various search engines in order to have the site indexed
This includes any lure or attraction that brings people to a web site.
With stealth marketing, brand ambassadors show and talk about a product to others: -after revealing their relationship with the brand -without disclosing their true relationship with the brand -only when they are asked by other individuals -only disclose their relationship with the brand when asked
without disclosing their true relationship with the brand
Integrating a brand into the storyline of a movie, television show, or book is successful because: -the brand is much more noticeable to the viewing audience -the brand is more accepted by the viewing audience -its extremely low cost-per-viewer -it costs less than product placement
the brand is much more noticeable to the viewing audience
This typically involves direct marketing through interactive means, such as special events and free samples
experiential marketing