What is the first line on the top left in MLA format?
First Name & Last Name
Is a title page required?
No, (unless specifically told otherwise)
According to MLA Format, the list of references which appear at the end of your paper is called?
Works Cited Page
In MLA format, what information is included in a basic in-text citation for a source with a single author?
Author’s last name and the page number
What is the correct order of elements in an MLA Works Cited entry?
Author. Title. Container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.
What is the second line on the top left in MLA Format
Your instructor's name
Where should your page numbers be in an MLA formatted paper?
The top right side of your paper
Should you double-space on your works cited page?
What must the quote be in when citing from a book, article, etc?
Double quotation marks "blah blah"
How do you format a book citation in MLA 9th edition?
Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Year.
What is the 3rd line on the top left in MLA format?
The course your are writing the paper for
Where should your title be placed on an MLA formatted paper?
Centered under the date
What is the works cited on?
The last page of your essay (separate)
What would be the in-text citation for this source:
Earl, James W. "The Swedish wars in Beowulf." The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, vol. 114, no. 1, 2015, p. 32+. Literature Resource Center, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A397004977/LitRC?u=lom_westbloomhs&sid=LitRC&xid=712e1ba5. Accessed 25 Sept. 2019.
(Earl) because the author's last name is Earl
What does "container" mean in an MLA citation?
The larger source that holds the work, like a website, journal, or anthology.
What is the in the last line on the top left of MLA Format
The date the paper is due
What margins should you have for MLA Format?
1 inch margins
How is the Works Cited page arranged?
Alphabetically by Author's last name or alphabetically by the title (if author is unknown)
What is the correct way on the Works Cited page to format two authors (Thomas J. Green and Samuel T. Knight)
"Green and Knight"
What does MLA stand for?
Modern Language Association
What is included with the page numbers
Your last name
It's italicized.
What can you put if your citation has more than three authors?
first authors last name and then et al.
Correct this:
"There never was a good war or a bad peace." (Franklin, p. 24).
"There never was a good war or a bad peace" (Franklin 24).
How do you cite a YouTube video in MLA 9?
"Title of Video." YouTube, uploaded by [Channel Name], Date, URL.