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Category 5
Why do you need a works cited page? Give at least two reasons.
A works cited page gives credit to sources, helps your readers know how to find your sources, and establishes your credibility as a writer.
Why do you have to put parenthetical citations after quotes, facts, and ideas in your document when you have a works cited page? Give two reasons.
Parenthetical citations direct your reader to the source in your alphabetical list of works cited. This allows your reader to locate the exact source for further study. You need to give credit to the original source of information; otherwise, you will be plagiarizing or stealing another person’s work.
Why is it important to have a signal phrase, something that introduces your author?
It is justification for using him or her as an expert; it may also help explain why you're providing the quote/statistic. Additionally, it makes the quotation fit more smoothly into your paragraph.
Patti Pena, mother of a child killed by a driver distracted by a cell phone, points out that “…”
Radio hosts Tom and Ray Magliozzi offer a persuasive counterargument: “…”
You know what a quote is, but what exactly is a paraphrase (and why is it not plagiarizing?)
A paraphrase is a passage borrowed from a source and rewritten in your own words. A paraphrase should be true to the original author's idea, but is rewritten in your own words and sentence structure. Since you are using someones else’s ideas and expressing them in your own words, it is very important to give credit to the source of the idea.
First off, let's be smart. Instead of memorizing all the stupid citation rules, can you name two resources that will do the work for you?
Textbook Links on library's website (Citation Builders, Easy Bib, etc.) MLA Handbook Your professor
Where does your list of sources go in relationship to your essay, and what do you title it?
Separate page at the end of the paper, titled "Works Cited"
What do you put in parentheses after a quotation or use of a source in your document?
Generally: (Author's last name page #) [[no space]]
More accurately (whatever comes first in the works cited page, then page # if the work is paginated)
Name five verbs you can use to introduce a quote ("argues" "concludes" "illustrates" etc.)
Acknowledges Adds Admits Addresses Argues Asserts Believes Claims Comments Compares Confirms Contends Declares Denies Disputes Emphasizes Endorses Grants Illustrates Implies Insists Notes Observes Points out Reasons Refutes Rejects Reports Responds Suggests Thinks Writes
Make a paraphrase sentence of the following quotation from Homer Simpson: “How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home winemaking course, and I forgot how to drive?”
On the topic of education, Homer Simpson comically suggested that we gain knowledge at the expense of past learning, citing the example of the time he forgot how to drive after taking a winemaking course.
What's the basic breakdown of information you need to give when citing an article from a website when the author is known?
Author. "Title of Article." Title of Website. Sponsor of website, Date published, url. Evans, Julie. "High-tech cheating? Students see it differently ." ESchool News., 8 July 2009,
For your research paper on video games, on March 4th, 2011 you interview Morris Rasputin, the local geeky gamer who hangs out at the Fullerton College Cafeteria. How do you list him in your works cited page?
Rasputin, Morris. Personal Interview. 4 Mar. 2011.
You’re quoting this sentence from page 2 of Pamela Anderson’s literary masterwork, Star: “‘Mom,’ she’d said quietly, sticking her head in her parents’ bedroom door. ‘Can I talk to you a minute?’” What’s proper MLA parenthetical citation for this, and where does it go in relation to the punctuation?
‘Can I talk to you a minute?’” (Anderson 2)
Is this is good example of using a quotation? Why? “Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and then the baby looked at me.” This was said by Ralph Wiggum.
No. Quotations should be part of your sentences. Ralph Wiggum, a classmate of Bart Simpson’s, claimed the following: “Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner…”
If you paraphrase something, do you still need an in-text citation? Why or why not?
Yes. You need to give credit to the source for the fact or idea, and it is important to show your readers that the information came from a reliable source.
Unfortunately, on many web pages it's impossible to identify the author. What do you do put in the in-text citation?
Whatever comes first on the works cited page, normally the title of the article.
There's a special kind of indentation used for works cited pages. What's it called and is there a quick way to do it?
Hanging indent. You can use the tab key or select "hanging indent" in Word under the "Special" paragraph options.
Is this example right or wrong:
According to journalist Tina Kelley, "The bill prohibits the use of a cell phone while driving unless it is equipped with an earpiece or can act like a speakerphone, leaving the driver's hands free" (5).
If you change many of the words in the quotation and make it a paraphrase instead, do you still use quotation marks?
No. You only use quotation marks to indicate the exact words from the source.
What is the difference between a paraphrase and a summary?
A summary is much shorter than the original and only includes main points. A paraphrase has all the same information as the original and is about the same length.
On the works cited page for any websites, do you have to give the URL?
If you do not use any information from a source you found, should it go on your works cited page?
No. Only sources that have citations within your paper belong on the works cited. However, your teacher may ask you for a works consulted page for sources that you read but did not use.
You’re citing page 567 of a book with four authors (not uncommon in academic writing). The authors are Simpson, Jones, Singh, and Lee. How do you parenthetically cite this?
MLA format: (Simpson et al. 567)
Which is a better way to integrate this quote? Why? (A) In 2000, the legislature of Suffolk County passed a law restricting drivers' use of handheld phones. "The bill prohibits the use of a cell phone while driving unless it is equipped with an earpiece or can act like a speakerphone, leaving the driver's hands free" (Kelley 1).
(B) In 2000, the legislature of Suffolk County passed a law restricting drivers' use of handheld phones. According to journalist Tina Kelley, "The bill prohibits the use of a cell phone while driving unless it is equipped with an earpiece or can act like a speakerphone, leaving the driver's hands free" (1).
B. It makes the quotation part of a sentence.

Give two reasons why you might decide to use a quotation instead of paraphrasing.

It would be difficult to change the quotation enough to avoid plagiarism; the quotation is very well written, and you want to use those exact words; it is a well-known quotation; to add authority to your paper.

If you don't have specific page numbers for your web document, what do you put in the in-text citation besides the author's name?
You can have just the author's name or you can author and paragraph number (Smith, par. 4).