How do you format an in-text citation for a source with one author?
(Author's Last Name Page Number) e.g., (Smith 23)
What information is needed in a Works Cited entry for a book?
Author, Title, Publisher, Year of Publication.
What font and size should an MLA paper use?
Times New Roman, 12 pt.
What's wrong with this citation?
(Smith, 2020, p. 45)
MLA does not use commas inside the parentheses.
True or False: Every source on the Works Cited page must be used at least once throughout the body of the essay.
How do you cite a source with two authors in-text?
(Author Last Name and Author Last Name Page Number) e.g., (Smith and Jones 45)
How do you format a journal article citation in MLA?
Author Last Name, First Name. "Article Title." Journal Name, vol. #, no. #, Year, pp. #-#. Database Name, DOI or URL.
How should you format the title of a paper in MLA?
Centered, no bold, underline, or italics.
What mistake is in this Works Cited entry:
Smith, John. "Article Title." Website Name, 10 Jan. 2023,
Missing italics for Website Name.
If two sources have the same author, how do you differentiate them in-text?
Include a shortened title in the in-text citation.
What should you do if a source has no author?
Use the title of the work in quotation marks in place of the author's name
What is the correct way to cite a website on a Works Cited page?
Author Last Name, First Name. "Title of Page." Website Name, Date, URL.
What should go in the upper right-hand corner of each page?
Last Name and Page Number in the header (e.g., Smith 1).
Why is 'Retrieved from' incorrect in MLA citations?
'Retrieved from' is APA, not MLA.
How do you cite an indirect source (a source cited within another source)?
Use 'qtd. in' before citing the secondary source.
Where does the period go when using an in-text citation?
After the parenthetical citation
What is the hanging indent, and how do you apply it?
A hanging indent means the first line is flush left, and the rest are indented.
How should block quotes be formatted?
Indent the entire quote 0.5 inches, no quotation marks.
What is the purpose of using hanging indents on your Works Cited page?
It shows separation between citations.
What does 'et al.' mean, and when is it used?
'Et al.' means 'and others'; use it when a source has 3+ authors.
How do you format an in-text citation for a source with three or more authors?
Use the first author's last name followed by 'et al.' e.g., (Smith et al. 12).
What is the correct format for citing a film in MLA?
Title. Directed by Director's Name, Production Company, Year.
Where should the title 'Works Cited' be placed and formatted?
Centered at the top of the page, no bold, underline, or italics.
What is the biggest mistake students make in MLA formatting?
Not using in-text citations or forgetting Works Cited formatting.
What should you do if two authors have the same last name?
Include the first initial (e.g., J. Smith and L. Smith).