Time to Plant
Famous September Birthdays
September History
September Nature
Traditions Around the World

this vegetable has been associated with numerous health benefits, including improved blood flow, lower blood pressure, and increased exercise performance

What are Beets


Singers whos hits include: " Beauty School Dropout", "Ballad of the Alamo", "Venus" and "Why"  

Who is Frankie Avalon?

September 18th 1940 


The Largest terrorist attack in U.S. history.

When is September 11, 2001?

First Day of Autumn

September 22nd? 


September, from the Latin word septem, was originally the ________ month out of ten in the oldest known Roman calendars.

What is Seven?


The Inca Indians in Peru were the first to cultivate this vegetable around 8,000 BC to 5,000 B.C. In 1536 Spanish Conquistadors conquered Peru, discovered the flavors of the vegetable, and carried them to Europe. Sir Walter Raleigh introduced them to Ireland in 1589 on the 40,000 acres of land near Cork.

What are Potatoes?


Italian Actress who started in "houseboat", "yesterday, today and tomorrow", "it started in Naples", "Grumpy old men", and "Two nights with Cleopatra" 

Who is Sophia Loren?

September 20th, 1934


Treaty of Paris signed that ended the American Revolutionary War

When is September 3, 1783


This is the name for the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox.

What is the Harvest Moon? 


World's largest Volksfest (beer festival and travelling funfair). It is held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. It is a 16 to 18 day folk festival running from mid- or late September to the first Sunday in October

What is Octoberfest? 


This vegetable in modern times has been used as an alternative to rice/grains. Being used to make Pizza crusts, knock-off rice meals, breading for fired foods and so on. 

What is Cauliflower?


Famous American Author who wrote "the great Gatsby", "the curious case of Benjamin Button", "Flappers and Philosophers", and "Love in the Night" 

Who is F. Scott Fitzgerald? 

September, 24th 1896


 President Truman proclaims V-J Day upon the surrender of the Japanese

When is September 2, 1945?


September is the prime time of year for viewing this natural light display in the sky over high-altitude regions in the northern hemisphere.

What is the Arora Borealis? 


Chinese Festival That's separates the Full Moon

What is the Full-Moon Festival? 


This Southern favorite, has a dark leafy top that is often discarded although studies show the leafy top is actually the healthiest part of the vegetable and is said to be one of the healthy foods in the world. 

What are Turnips? 


English Actress who stared in "Mrs. Miniver", "goodbye Mr. Chips", "random Harvest", and "Blossoms in the Dust". 

Who is Greer Garson? 

September 29th, 1904


Britain and France declare war on Germany.

September 3rd, 1939


Blue Stone Associated with this Month? 

What is Sapphire? 


Feast celebrated close to the Autumn equinox by Catholics to honor St. Michael?

What is the Feast of Michael and All Angels, on September 29.


The _________, a cousin of the onion, is a member of the lilaceae family. Originally from central Asia, it has been consumed since ancient times. It was on the menu of the Egyptians and later the Romans, pioneers of gastronomy, used it plentifully in their cuisine, especially during their great feasts.

What are Leeks?


British Actress who stared in "An Affair to Remember", "From Here to Eternity", "Separate Tables" and " The King and I"

Who is Deborah Kerr?

September 30th, 1921


The U.S.A. came into existence as the Continental Congress changed the name of the new American nation from the United Colonies to the United States.

When is September 9, 1776 ?


The autumn equinox, which occurred this year on Tuesday, September 3, is a point in the year when the lengths of these two things become equal.

What is Day and Night? 


Japanese Festival Celebrating a common Autumnal flower? 

What is the Chrysanthemum festival?
