Where was Bayard Rustin Born?
What is West Chester, Pennsylvania!
At what age did MLK start sending the Atlanta Journal as a kid?
what is MLK started at age seven.
Where was he born?
Atlanta, Georgia!!
Who did he help out?(he did the montgomery bus boycott)
who is Martin Luther King Jr.
Who was Bayard Rustin raised by?
what is Bayard Rustin was raised by his grandparents.
What was his way of protesting
Non-Violent Protest
When was he born?
what is March 17, 1912
Bayard Rustin became a civil rights activist at the age of 11.
when was he born?
January 15, 1929
When did he die?
what is July 1987 at the age of 75.
where did Bayard Rustin go in 1948, and who did he go see?
Bayard Rustin went to India to go see Mahatma Gandhi.
August 28, 1963
What did he help try to get for all of mankind?
what is Civil Rights.
Bayard Rustin grew up with 12 other children.
MLK went to Morehouse college, he went there for sociology, and at the age of 15.