Dr. King’s hometown
What is Atlanta, GA
The number of siblings Dr. King had
What are 2 siblings?
The number of books Dr. King wrote
What is 5 books?
The most well-known speech Dr. King made
What I the “I Have a Dream” speech?
Dr. King’s wife’s name
Who is Coretta Scott King?
The birth name of Dr. King
Who is Micheal Luther King jr.?
The age Dr. King’s was when he graduated high school
What is 15 years old?
The number of children Dr. King had
What are 4 children?
The two grades Dr. King skipped
What is 9th and 12th grade?
The number of times Dr. King was arrested while peacefully protesting for equal rights
What is 29 times?
The names of Dr. King‘s children
Who are Yolanda, Martin, Dexter, and Bernice King?
The number of days the non-violent bus boycott lasted that Dr. King made
What is 382 days?
The subject Dr. King is a doctor in
What is systematic theology?
What literary honor award was inspired by Coretta Scott King?
What is the Coretta Scott King award?
The college Dr. King’s was earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology
What is Morehouse College?