Hall Office
Administrative Duties
MLLC Summer Occupancy '24 Document

True or False: The Hall Office is open on Holidays.



Explain to me how to complete a duty log.

1) eRezLife

2) rounds

3) record issues

4) submit by 10am the following day


The location of the MLLC Summer '24 Occupancy document. 

What is the Google Drive?

This is when the duty phone should be picked up and dropped off.

When is picked up at 4pm and dropped off at 7:30am the following day on weekdays and picked up at 4pm on Friday and dropped of at 8am on Monday on weekends?


True or False: You can call/text Dallas with questions after hours, if needed.

True (unless I am out on vacation).


This is when the Hall Office is open to residents. 

When is 8-11am and 6-9pm on weekdays and 6-9pm on weekends?


Explain to me how to check somebody in.

1) Identification of individual

2) Half-sheet completed

3) Find the individual on the document

4) Provide the correct keys, temp access card, welcome booklet, and blank RCF.

5) Explain RCF and tell resident where their room is.

6) Move magnet from Clean/Dirty to Occupied. 


True or False: You should update any information on the document that is incorrect or not filled in when someone checks in. 



This is when you should be doing rounds.

When is before the hall office opens at 6pm, after the hall office closes at 9pm, and around 11pm (on weekends)?


The number of Hall Directors currently employed at NDSU.

Bonus 200 points if you can name everyone. 

What is 10 (11 by beginning of July)?

Rachael, Paul, Dallas, Katie, Daniel, Ethan, Brenna, Justin, Wendi, Emma


The location you should place completed half-sheets and RCFs.

What is Dallas's mailbox (black container on the table in the Hall Office)?


This is how long before a 1:1 you need to submit your 1:1 form via eRezLife.

What is 24 hours prior to the meeting?


The location of who is currently living in the building at any given time. 

What are the "EastRoster_Current" and WestRoster_Current" tabs?


True or False: You should be checking every common space (classrooms, bathrooms, lounges, etc) when you do your rounds. 



This is what the acronyms CTM and CAA stand for.

What is conference team member and conference administrative assistant?


The location of temporary access cards.

Where is the black pull-put drawer on the right side of the hall office desk?


Explain to me how to check someone out.

1) Identify Resident

2) Grab RCF, Clipboard, Pen

3) Resident should complete QR code for forwarding address.

4) Walk with resident to room. Check room for damages. Refer to RCF

5) Complete the bottom half of the back side of the RCF (checkbox, damage recording, resident initial, resident forwarding address, RA signature). 

6) Bring resident to mailbox, remove mail. 

7) Get keys, temp access card, etc back from resident.

8) Move magnet to dirty, put keys back in keybox, place completed RCF in Dallas's mailbox.


The functions of two crucial keyboard shortcuts to know.

What is finding any information you need quickly with Ctrl+F and pasting information in the document without messing up any formatting with Ctrl+Shift+V?


This is what you do when you find something during rounds that Dallas should know about. 

What is add it to the duty log, so Dallas is made aware of it (an email could also be sent if it is urgent/serious)?


This Hall Director supervises the CTMs and CAAs.

Who is Wendi Wheeler - Churchill/Dinan Hall Director?


The function of your MLLC RA keys.

GM101A - East Hall Office and access to East Duty Set

GM104 - West Mail Room and access to West Duty Set

101A.1 - East Mail Room


This is what you do when you make any adjustments to the occupancy document.

What is send Dallas an email with the information, so he is aware of the made change?


These are campus partners that have access to our occupancy document (name at least 2).

Who are the NDSU Bookstore, the Wellness Center, and Camps and Conference Services in the Union?


The location constraints you have as the on-call RA on the weekend.

Where is on-campus (no more than 10-15 min for a duty response) prior to your first round and in MLLC once you begin your first duty round on any given weekend night?


This is ballpark the amount of money that MLLC Summer Housing will bring in this summer.

What is $315,000?
