What type of tissue is the hormone releasing islets of Langerhans?
How many pyrrole rings are in a porphyrin ring?
Patients with toxicity of this element often have anxiety along with bouts of compulsive laughing and crying.
True or false: heel stick and venipuncture blood is identical in composition.
This vitamin prevents scurvy.
Vitamin C
The location where the liver and pancreas combine enzymes and bile is called:
The Ampulla of Vater
What refers to quantitative defects in the production of hemoglobin molecules?
What is the primary plasma iron transport protein
True or False: Drug dosing and interactions are something that needs to be watched more closely in a geriatric patient for several reasons.
What is the term that refers to a condition in where a person's diet is deficient in both protein and calories?
Somatostatin is released by what type of cell?
Variegate porphyria (VP) has what symptom type?
This element is widely used in industry and household ways. It also is associated with anemia, bone disease, and progressive dementia.
True or False
Calcium and Aldosterone increase in value in a geriatric patient.
What vitamin is common in supplements to help deal with hair loss but also can cause interference with some testing methods for specific tests?
Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
Which enzyme test is almost exclusively a pancreatic test and increases within 24 hours for acute pancreatitis?
What type of hemoglobinopathy would have a negative solubility test?
Hemoglobin C (E, D)
Given these lab results, what would an expected condition be:
Transferrin decreased, Ferritin increased, % saturation increased, TIBC decreased
Iron overdose
Which biomarker is typically higher in neonates that in adults?
Folate and Vitamin B12 are commonly run to help distinguish causes of what condition?
Megaloblastic anemia
What test is a direct termination of the exocrine secretory capacity of the pancreas?
Cholecystokinin (CCK)
The control rate of heme synthesis in the liver is through regulation of what enzyme?
This element has gone through quite the identity crisis over the decades being seen as a toxic element, a carcinogen, essential element, and anti-carcinogen.
Anoxia and trauma during delivery can cause what type of condition for the neonate?
Metabolic acidosis
A patient who is unable to consume adequate amounts of food for whatever reason may be supported using what.
TPN Total Parenteral Nutrition