What are some threats that coral reefs face?
Warming ocean temperatures, acidification, and overfishing
What are some countries that have indigenous territories that reduce deforestation?
Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru
What is the purpose of a pollinator corridor in our case study (LONDON)?
Improve connectivity for bees and butterflies in urban areas
Some species are relocated to suitable climates as their native habitats become unsustainable
Who is involved with conservation work on coral reefs?
Scientists, local communities, NGO's
What are some tools used to monitor deforestation?
GPS mapping and drones
I was looking at you and you was looking at me and we was think ________ (must sing the answer for the points)
How does a corridor work?
It connects patches of wildflowers, hedgerows, and green spaces, allowing pollinators to move safely through urban or agricultural areas
What is an example of a species relocating due to rising temperatures? (Mentioned in presentation)
American Pika moving to higher-altitude regions
How are restored reefs beneficial?
They improve fisheries, provide storm protection, and support tourism.
What is the goal of indigenous-led efforts in the amazon?
Demonstrate the success of combining traditional ecological knowledge with sustainable practices
Who were the 2020 champions for the mens team in the NBA and MLB
Why are pollinators useful?
They are crucial for the ecosystems health and food.
Why do some tree species move to Canada?
How are heat-tolerant strains bred?
Through selective breeding or assisted evolution (exposing corals to controlled stress to enhance resilience)
Where does funding for Indigenous-led efforts come from?
International grants, carbon credits, and government allocations
The crusty crab ____, is the ____ for you and me!
What are some benefits that come from pollinator corridors?
Benefits include improved crop yields and enhanced native plant reproduction
What is the outcome of migration for climate adaptation for a species?
Prevents extinctions by adapting to climate changes
What are some techniques used to restore coral reefs?
What is REDD+ and what is its purpose?
REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) is a policy that incentivizes indigenous forest management by monetizing carbon sequestration benefits
plz whip and dab for the class
Please give one example talked about of successful pollinator programs (BESIDES LONDON)
Netherlands: Green rooftops and roadside plantings increased native bee populations
USA: The integrated roadside vegetation management program restored wildflowers along highways, boosting pollinator habitats
What are some challenges migration for climate adaptation faces?
Ethical concerns and ecological risks of introducing species to new areas