Mix it Up
Mix it Up




Describe 3 details about a pencil.

Ex: A long, skinny, yellow writing utensil that is made of wood. Has lead and an eraser, can be found in a classroom.


Describe your perfect weekend.



These athletes train a great deal. They eat a very healthy diet. Some compete in short races and others compete in long races called marathons. What is the sport?


What is running


The word dinosaur means "terrible lizard." But the first dinosaurs were not as scary as we might think. Some were as small as a chicken. Others were about the size of an adult. The giant dinosaurs didn't appear until many years later.

Are all dinosaurs were about the same size?


No, dinosaurs are not all the same size.


Describe 3 details about a book.

Ex: A book is something you read. It has a front and back cover and pages inside with writing and pictures. It can be found in a library or classroom.


Describe 3 details about pizza.

 Pizza is a food, it's baked in the oven, it has cheese and it's round.  You can eat pizza.


There are many things to see. Many farm animals are on display. The midway is full of people playing games and eating food. There is also a place where you can go on many different rides. What is the place?


What is fair or carnival


ou can find blue whales in all oceans. All whales are mammals. They breathe air. The blue whale has a blowhole on its head. The blowhole is important because it lets the whale breathe. Whales can't live without coming up to the surface of the water to take a breath. After they take a breath, they dive back under the water. They can stay underwater for more than an hour at a time.

Why is a whale's blowhole important?

It lets the whale breathe.


Describe 4 details about a dog.

Ex: A dog is an animal you can have as a pet. They are furry, come in many colors, and they can bark. 





he girl saved all her money. It was exactly what she wanted. She imagined gliding down the road pedaling effortlessly. She finally had enough money to make her dream come true. What was her dream?


What is to buy a bike





Describe 4 details about shoes.

Ex: Shoes are an article of clothing you wear on your feet. They come in many colors. They have a sole, laces and tongue.


The sun was low in the sky. Abby's body ached. She had blisters on her hands from a day's worth of work. She set the rake down on the big pile of leaves and headed for home. 

What was Abby doing?

Abby is raking leaves.


The girl showed the lady her ticket. Then she walked down the stairs and found her seat. The players ran onto the field. They got into their positions. A player swung his bat and the ball went up in the air.  Where was the girl?


What is a baseball game


What are fossils? Fossils are imprints left in the ground. An imprint is like your footprint in the sand. A fossil might be an imprint of an animal, a plant, or an insect. Fossils can also be bones, teeth, or shells. Fossils tell us about life long ago. They give us clues about the past. Some fossils are millions of years old.

Name one thing a fossil might be an imprint of?

Animal, plant, insect.


Describe 3 details about a car.

A rocket is a type of transportation. It is made of metal, has fins, and an engine. It can fly in outer space, is large in size, and is loud. 


It was her 16th birthday and she was so excited! She ran out the front door and saw the huge ribbon tied around her present. It was so awesome! It even had a sunroof just like she wanted.

What did the girl get for her birthday?

She got a car.


The girl sneezed. Her dad felt her forehead and took her temperature. She told him her throat hurt. He pulled the blankets over her. He told her to try to sleep while he called her teacher. Why did he call her teacher?


What is she was sick and would be absent
