Literary Devices
Author's Purpose
Context Clues
Elements of Plot
clues that hint at what will happen later 

A. flashback B. Foreshadowing C. Context Clues D. Text Evidence

B. What is a foreshadowing?
when an author writes for someone to enjoy it 

A.Persuade B. Inform C.Entertain D.Tragedy

C. What is entertain
Mary RETAINED the deed to her mother's house for safe keeping 

 A. Threw away B. kept C. hid D. shared

B. Kept

The home team was down three points and it was the last play of the football season. The coach decided to go for the win. The ball went to star running back Brant Barker. Brant easily maneuvered around the defenders, juked, threw a stiff arm, and made it to other side of the field. Right before crossing into the end zone, Brant did a little shuffle. He was so into nailing the footwork on his shuffle that he did not notice that the opposition had caught up to him. They hit him so hard that he fumbled the ball and the home team lost.

Which trait best describes Brant based on the text?


a Overconfident b Strategic c Tenacious d Submit

Maggie was getting ready to walk to school. She put on her coat and grabbed her backpack. As she was leaving, her mother said, “I love you. Be careful.” You can infer that... 

 a. Maggie is in kindergarten or first grade. b. Maggie lives close to school. c. Maggie is never late for school. d. Maggie is excited about going to school.

a figure of speech in which an object or animal is spoken of as it had human feelings, thoughts or attitudes 

A. Metaphor B. Hyperbole C. Simile D. Personification

D. What is personification?
when an author tries to convince the reader to believe in something 

A.Persuade B. Inform C.Entertain D.Tragedy

A. What is persuade
I wouldn't mind sharing with Patrick if he didn't act like being a part of the Witherspoon family ENTITLED him to everything on campus

 A. style B. designated C. title

B. designated

Max hated Brussels sprouts, but his Dad always made him eat them. One night an idea came to Max that would allow him to escape this cruel fate. He decided that he would feed the Brussels sprouts to his dog. This went well at first. The dog hungrily consumed the sprouts. Max's dad was pleased too. He congratulated Max on eating them all. "Normally it's a pain to get you to eat those, Max," He said. "I'm glad that you stepped it up." Max basked in his father's approval and felt quite clever. Then his dog let out a yelp. Max grew concerned. The dog was walking in a circle and hacking. His Dad asked, "What's wrong, Boy?" Max attempted to distract his father as he tended to the dog, "He probably just needs some space, Dad." Max's father looked at him curiously, right as the dog vomited a stream of Brussels sprouts.

What type of irony is present?

Nicole came out of the elevator in her apartment building. She ran to the curb and held up her arm to hail a taxi. When she hopped in, she said, “Please take me to 345 45th Street.” You can infer that...

 a. Nicole's car is broken. b. Nicole is going on vacation. c. Nicole is going shopping. d. Nicole lives in a large city

the use of words whose SOUNDS imitate or suggest their meaning - BOOM! POW! BANG! 

A. Metaphor B. Oxymoron C. Personification D. Onomatopoeia

D. What is onomatopoeia?

McDonald's uses the slogan "I'm lovin' it." What is the purpose of this slogan? entertain people with a positive and happy slogan express how McDonald's feels about its customers make people smile more often while they eat fries make people feel excited about going to McDonald's

What is D 
Though Joseph was a true king, his uncle USURPED the throne and was now ruling the land cruelly. 

 A.took over B. gave away C. received

A. Took over

 Unc Nunkie, Margolotte and the Magician all stood looking at the marvelous Powder, but Ojo was more interested just then in the Patchwork Girl's brains. Thinking it both unfair aand unkind to deprive her of any good qualities that were handy, boy took down every bottle on the shelf and poured some of the contents in Margolotte's dish. No one saw him do this, for all were looking at the Powder of Life; but soon the woman remembered what she had been doing, and came back to the cupboard.

 What is the point of view of this passage?

Third person omniscient

The dogs are able to cover up to 100 miles a day and each one has its unique position on the team. Together, the dogs and their MUSHERS race over snow and ice, in wind and through blizzards to reach that all-important finish line.

What is the most likely meaning of the word "musher"? A.Lead dog B Sled driver C Winning racer D. Company sponsor

What is B
an expression peculiar to a particular language that means something different from the literal meaning of the words. Ex - Sick as a dog 

A. Idiom B. Figurative Language C. Hyperbole

A. What is an idiom?

Matt and his dad, Professor Knowles, both froze when the alarm sounded. The undersea station “Deep Sea 41,” or just “DS 41,” had been peaceful for the 6 months they’d lived here. Matt’s dad, a biology professor, had been able to study the lives of deep sea creatures close up, watching them for hours through the giant observation windows. He had even gone out in the research pod, the small vessel that allowed scientists to make short trips around the ocean floor. Matt had gone with him to watch, careful to stay out of the researchers’ way. Now, the boy’s heart pounded as the computer voice announced the emergency with an eerie calmness. “There has been a breach in the south wall. The station will be depressurized in 4 minutes, 20 seconds.” “That’s impossible,” Matt’s father said in disbelief. “This place is impenetrable—the walls are 6 feet thick!” “What should we do?” Matt asked his father anxiously. “Don’t panic, son, we’ll find a solution,” his father said, but Matt could see the sweat forming on his father’s brow. The professor thought hard for a few precious seconds and then grasped Matt firmly by the shoulder. “I want you to march straight down to the launch pad for the research vessel. If everyone boards that pod, we should have enough oxygen to get to the surface. Now get going, and tell the others on your way!” Matt did as he was told while his dad stood staring out the observation window. “The station will depressurize in 3 minutes,” came the computer voice. Out the observation window, the professor watched as a shark the size of a yacht sailed past. He was used to seeing unusual creatures down this deep but never one that looked like this. Time was running out, yet for some reason Professor Knowles couldn’t take his eyes off the shark. As it flicked its massive tail and headed away from DS 41, the professor wondered why it moved so mechanically, not like a fish at all. Then it hit him like a punch in the stomach: It wasn’t a shark at all but was a vessel high-tailing it away from the scene of its crime. This passage can best be described as 

A.nonfiction because it gives a series of scientific facts. B.realistic fiction because it describes a real life scenario. C.historical fiction because it tells about things that really happened. fiction because it describes humans living under the sea.

What is D 
The MAGNANIMOUS judge released the young crminal who had been caught stealing bread by saying, "Everybody has to eat," and slamming down his gavel.  

A.stingy B. suspicious C.forgiving

C. forgiving

The orchid family is one of the largest families of flowering plants. There are twice as many species of orchids as species of birds. There are four times as many species of orchids as species of mammals. Charles Darwin wrote a book about orchids in 1862. The book studied the way in which orchids evolved to attract birds and insects. It is suggested that for every different type of bird or insect, there was an orchid that matched in appearance. This in-depth study on orchids helped Darwin develop his ideas on evolution. Orchids can survive almost anywhere—even underground. The only place they cannot survive is in glacial regions, like Antarctica. They grow best in tropical regions that are hot and humid. Some scientists believe that orchids have been around since the time of the dinosaurs. 

Which one of these details is most important to include in a summary of this passage? 

 A. They grow best in tropical regions that are hot and humid. B. There are four times as many species of orchids as species of mammals. C. Orchids can survive almost anywhere—even underground. D. Charles Darwin wrote a book about orchids in 1862.


Imagine racing across almost one thousand miles of Alaskan terrain with nothing to protect you against the freezing temperatures other than your clothes and your determination? For some, this might sound like torture. For many other people, it is an adventure they train for all year round. For the past 40 years, dozens of dedicated men and women have participated in the Iditarod, a contest that has been nicknamed the last great race on Earth. Gathering in Anchorage, Alaska, the racers check their sleds, dog teams, and gear before starting. This race can take up to two weeks or more to complete, and, as they travel, the competitors will stop and check in at 25 small towns along the route.

Why do you infer people what to participate in the race?  A.For the huge prize money B.To travel throughout Alaska C.For the adventurous experience D.To spend a great deal of time outside

What is C
Peggy popped paisley poppers in the field, is an example of... 

A. Hyperbole B. Simile C. Metaphor D. Alliteration

D. What is an alliteration?

Andy Warhol was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1928. Andy was born with a natural talent for art. His mother encouraged him with his drawings. His teachers thought he had such a good talent for art that he should go to weekend art class. When his family saved enough money to send Andy to art college, he went to Carnegie Institute of Technology, where he studied design and illustration. That's where he developed his unusual art style. When he graduated from school he went to New York City for a job. He got jobs doing magazine illustrations, decorating department store windows, greeting cards, record albums, book covers, and suns, clouds, and raindrops for television weather reports. He still was not satisfied because he was not famous. His friend suggested he draw everyday items. This was called Popular, or Pop Art. Now, that made him famous! Being famous was his dream. People liked his pictures because they were bright, attractive, and familiar. Warhol liked getting people's ideas for new drawings. He also tried making films. One of his films was a man sleeping for six hours. Warhol died in 1987. By that time, he was a famous artist. His artwork made people think of the important, everyday things in their lives. adapted from 

How would this passage be different if it were written as a drama? A.It would include directions for actors playing the characters. B.It would be written as a true story. C.It would be more descriptive and include more details. D.Each line would be written with a consistent rhythm.

What is A 
The workers wrote an anonymous letter to their boss in which they expressed their GRIEVANCES: long hours and low pay 

 A.praises B.afflictions C. compliments

B. afflictions

Barry liked playing board games, but he hated losing. He hated losing so much that he would do whatever it took to win, even bending or breaking the rules. He'd steal money from the bank and hide it under the couch cushions. He'd skip spaces while he was moving around the board. He'd shortchange others money that they were owed and argue with them about it. Barry's techniques were effective. He did win most of the games that he played, but the people whom he played with were his friends and family, and it didn't take too long until they caught on to Barry's tricks. They tried to tell Barry to stop cheating. They said that the game wasn't any fun when he cheated, but he didn't listen. He continued with his treacherous style of gameplay, until nobody would play with him anymore. Barry may have won a lot of games, but at what cost?

What is the theme?

Winning isn't everything.  Cheaters never win 

What is the world's quietest place? It is a room called the ANECHOIC chamber and it is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The floor, ceiling, and walls are lined with fiberglass wedges that are built to absorb sound. A number of companies use this room for testing the sound quality of their products. However, visitors are also allowed to go in the room and just sit in the dark and listen to absolutely nothing. Most people want out fairly quickly, and so far, no one has lasted more than 45 minutes before wanting back out into a noise-filled world.

What does the term anechoic most likely mean? A.Sound quality testing B.Free of sound C.Only natural noise D.Noise pollution

What is B 