MN Recovery Connection is a _______.
A Recovery Community Organization (RCO) is an independent organization led and governed by representatives of local communities of recovery.
What does "TRS" stand for?
Telephone Recovery Support
(612) 584-4158
(MRC Website)
What platform is utilized to facilitate the All Recovery Meeting(s) at MN Recovery Connection?
(MRC Website)
How can I sign-up for Telephone Recovery Support?
TRS Applications are found on the MRC Website, or intakes can be conducted in-person or over the phone if a participant doesn't have the wi-fi/technical capability
What is an All Recovery Meeting?
All Recovery Meetings are based on the idea that there are great benefits to bringing people together from multiple recovery pathways. We welcome all pathways to join us Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM and 5:00 PM.
AmeriCorps in Action (AMPACT)
(AMPACT Webiste)
Name one location where MN Recovery Connection does Outreach?
Metro Libraries, Recovery Programs, SUD/MH Programs, Events, ETC.
Name one training offered by the Minnesota Recovery Connection
Recovery Coach Academy
Recovery Coach Academy: Navigating the Criminal Justice System
Recovery Coach Academy: A Harm Reduction Pathway
Telephone Recovery Support Training
What time is the All Recovery Meeting on Saturday?
11:00 A.M.
(MRC Website)
Name one type of Recovery Capital
Personal Recovery Capital
Family +/or Social Recovery Capital
Community Recovery Capital
Culture Recovery Capital
Name the largest event that MN Recovery Connection sponsors every year.
(MRC Website)
The Allina Virtual Addiction Medicine Clinic is based out of which rural MN town?
New Ulm, MN
What is the MN Recovery Connection Address?
800 Transfer Road, Suite 31
St. Paul, Minnesota. 55114
(MRC Website)
How much does the Recovery Coach Academy cost?
(MRC Website)
The Peer Support Alliance is conducted ______, and hosted ________.
Conducted Virtually, on the 1st Monday of Every Month.
(MRC Wesbite)
If I am granted a scholarship for the Recovery Coach Academy, how many volunteer hours must I complete at the MN Recovery Connection?
(MRC Website)
How much does the Forensic Endorsement cost through the MN Certification Board?
$50.00 for the certification
What is the Peer Support Alliance?
Peer Support Alliance will lead the advancement and development of the Peer Recovery Specialist profession throughout the state of Minnesota by providing: networking opportunities; mentorship and guidance; recovery-focused workshops and CEU opportunities designed for Peer Recovery Specialists/Coaches; speaker events; and employment resources.
(MRC Website)
What year did MN Recovery Connection become Minnesota's FIRST Recovery Community Organization?
Awarded the first DHS contract in 2010
(MRC Website)
What is the mission at the MN Recovery Connection?
Strengthen the recovery community through peer-to-peer support, public education, and advocacy.
(MRC Website)
MN Recovery Connection is Minnesota's ONLY _______ _________ ________.
Nationally accredited RCO
(MRC Website)
What are 3 of the 5 Core Values of the MN Recovery Connection?
(MRC Website)
Describe the MN Recovery Connection's Vision
We envision a world where recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs is understood, promoted, embraced, and enjoyed and where all who seek it have access to the support, care, and resources they need to achieve long-term recovery.
(MRC Website)
Name three programs that MN Recovery Connection is actively working on?
Allina Virtual Addiction Medicine
Justice-Impacted (Jail Calls, Pen Pals)
Hennepin County Child + Family Services
North Memorial
University of MN Research Study
Billable Peer Support
Non-Billable Peer Support