Fall Prevention
POCT & Pre-Cleaning

A patient that is: s/p fall, older than 70 y/o, AMS, intoxicated, confused, unsteady, or dizzy.

What is High Risk for Falls?


Positive Sepsis screening includes a suspected/ confirmed infection plus 2 of these SIRS criteria.

What is Hyperthermia (> 38.3⁰C/100.9⁰F) or  Hypothermia (< 36⁰C/96.8⁰F)

Tachycardia (>90 bpm)

Tachypnea (> 20)?


The Emergency Department will respond to Code Blue/RRTs in these areas.

What is basement & first floor of South Building, North Building, Giammanco Center, and emergencies within 250 feet of the hospital (with the defibrillator)?

The hospital operator will contact the Berwyn EMS for response to the Professional Building.


Urine Pregnancy QC*

What is:

Apply 3 drops into Specimen well and noting clear background/ present control line.


When needed this team member will get report from the primary nurse, provide constant observation and document every 15 minutes.

What is a Patient Safety Attendant?


When a patient is a high risk for falls, this prompts the nurse to enter fall intervention orders.

What is a Fall BPA?


Your patient screened positive for sepsis. These are the four things you should do initially.

Start the Sepsis Clock, notify a provider, room the patient, and call internal Sepsis Alert.


The place in Epic, where Codes should be documented. 

What is RRT/ Code Narrator?


This is used to prepare re-usable equipment for sterile processing at point of use. 

What is Pre-Klenz enzymatic spray?


This code is called for a patient with history of psychiatric illness, confused or non-decisional threatening to leave AMA; after de-escalation attempts and without display of agression.

What is a Code BERT?


Fall Prevention Bundle interventions that should be implemented & documented within Basic Assessment.

What is keep bed in lowest position, call light within reach, rails up x2, applied Yellow falls risk arm band, applied yellow non-skid slippers and Initiated Be Safe Flagging System?


For every hour this is delayed there is a 7% increase in a patient's mortality risk.

What is antibiotic administration?


The ED will respond to all these for patients 17 y/o and younger.

What is Pediatric Code Blue and Pediatric RRT?


Glucometer QC & Hemocue Test*

What is performing low and high QC? 

What is applying sufficient sample to the microcuvette and running a POC hgb?


This must be done for patients in violent restraints in addition to completing a Restraint packet and providing Restriction of Rights notice. 

What is a PSA (Patient Safety Attendant) order entry?


These are additional fall prevention interventions that should be used as needed.

What are Avasure, patient safety attendant, and non-violent restraints?


When initial Lactic acid is 2 or greater a repeat needs to be done within this time.

What is 2 hours?


This tape measure is used as part of a color coded system, along with the pediatric code cart.

What is the Broselow Pediatric Emergency Tape?


Pre-Cleaning Process

What is:

1. Transporting to dirty utility room in red biohazard container

2. Donning: gloves, mask, eye PPE, gown

3. Cleaning gross contaminants and flushing lumens in open position

4. Spraying enzymatic spray, Pre-Klenz 6-8 inches

5. Placing in appropriate size Humipak and adding correct amount of water

6. Placing sealed bag in red biohazard container and labeling it dirty.


This is where you find policies such as Fall Prevention, POCT, Pre-cleaning, Code Blue- Adult & Pediatric etc.

What is Policy Manager? 

*Bonus- locate on Spirit.*


Post Fall Process (6 parts)

1. Nursing & provider evaluation of patient, followed by needed care.

2. Notify patient's family of fall.

3. Post Fall Huddle, debriefing between patient, staff, charge nurse, nursing supervisor, and manager (notification). 

4. Complete Post Huddle  Form

5. Document facts of fall in ED note. 

6. Enter VOICE Report


Sepsis 3-hour Bundle Components (5 parts)

Cultures (blood cultures)


Latic acid

Fluid resuscitation (IVF bolus- 30ml/kg)

VS including BP (every 15 minutes x2 after fluid bolus)


When there is a birth in the ED, or a neonate is pulseless or apneic, this code is called to 3911. In addition, a call should be made to Labor & Delivery.

What is Fetal Distress Team?


i-STAT Simulator Test*

What is:

Admin Menu

3- Quality Tests

4- Simulator

Enter requested info

insert simulator


Demonstrate defibrillator and capnography set up.

Turn defibrillator on and apply pads on properly

Find appropriate ETC02 adjunct, lift "door", twist in capnography 
