How do you ask a worker about the price of an item?
How much does ____ cost?
The term used for keeping more money than you spend every month.
If you are done paying for your house, it is ____.
paid off
The empanada is cheaper.
What phrase do you use when something costs more than you would like?
Too expensive
If you need more cash, what would you ask a fellow pedestrian? (not asking them for money)
Where is the nearest ATM?
Where is the nearest bank?
The name of the balance between how much you make and how much you spend.
If you did well on the stock market one year, you can say that you made a ____.
What is more expensive between a motorcycle and a computer?
A motorcycle is more expensive.
very cheap
If the seller offers you 5,000 pesos for the empanada and you want to pay less, how would make a counter offer?
How about I pay ___ for it.
Typically a worker gets paid by the hour or by the ____
If you are not spending more than you are making, you are living within your ____.
If you have 5,000 pesos in your bank account, do you have enough money to buy a house?
I do not have enough money to buy a house.
When calculating budget, you measure how much you make vs. how much you _____?
How would you ask between two items which is less expensive?
Which is cheaper between ____ and ____?
Which is less expensive between ___ and ___?
If you store says we do not accept credit cards, they likely only accept ____
If the cost of an item is very cheap, you could say it costs _____.
What is cheaper between a house and an island?
A house is cheaper than an island.
If you make a lot of money, what is the word to describe you?
If you do not have any cash on you, how would you ask about using the other common form of payment?
Do you take credit card(s) here?
If you spend more money than you make every month, you will end up in ____
If you are having a hard time making enough money to pay all your bills, you are struggling to make ends ____.
What is more expensive between a t shirt and a backpack?
A backpack is more expensive than a t shirt.