Medical Terminology for heart
What is cardi/o?
What is cardiac?
Medical Terminology for white
What is albalbin/o, or leuk/o?
Medical Terminology word for kidney
What is nephr/o
Medical Terminology suffix for inflammation
What is -itis?
Medical Terminology for heart and blood vessels?
What is cardiovascular system?
Which of the terms tells the sensations that the person feels in relation to a disease?
Medical Terminology for lung
What is pulmon/o?
Medical Terminology for red
What is erythr/o, or eosin/o, or rube ?
Medical Terminology for stomach
What is gastr\o
Medical Terminology suffix for surgical removal or excision
What is -ectomy
Medical Terminology for localized necrosis (death) of the cardiac muscle
What is myocardial infarction?
When a disease gradually gets worse over time, it is called a _______ disease.
Medical Terminology for liver
What is hepat/0?
Medical Terminology for black
What is melan or melan/o?
Medical Terminology word for bladder
What is cyst?
Medical Terminology suffix means for plastic repair or reconstruction
What is -plasty?
Medical Terminology for air in the space around the lungs
What is pneumothorax?
Which word describes what can be seen or measured by others when a person has a disease?
Medical Terminology for teeth
What is dent?
Medical Terminology for blue
What is cyan or cyan/o?
Medical Terminology word for gallbladder
What is cholecyst/o?
Medical Terminology suffix meaning surgical creation of an opening?
What is -stomy?
Medical Terminology for low blood pressure
What is hypotension?
Which of the following cavities contains the lungs?
Medical Terminology for head
What is cephal/o?
Medical Terminology for yellow
What is cirrh/o, or jaund/o, or xanth/o?
Medical Terminology word for rib
What is cost/o?
Medical Terminology suffix for puncture or tap to remove fluids
What is -centesis?
Medical Terminology for enlarged liver
What is hepatomegaly?
What is a hospital-acquired infection?
Nosocomial infection