I assure you, I am home
Stillwaters run deep
Liberty Bibbidy
Applications all around
you know....just stuff...random stuff
  • Assurant's HO4 animal liability is limited to this amount for a German Shephard

What is $100k

  • Your customer discloses that they converted their garage into an additional bedroom and isn't completely sure on the square footage. Your next step is:
  • What is confirm if the customer built another garage and if not, decline Stillwater
  • Your customer advises they have baseboard heat throughout their home. What does LM say about this
  • What is: Baseboard heating is an acceptable form of primary heat and should be coded as central heating in Liberty Mutual's application.
  • What company will allow your customer to have 3 people listed on their policy.
  • What is Liberty Mutual or Travelers
  • On a "dead air" call, you should wait this amount of time for a response before disconnecting
  • what is 3 minutes
  • Homesite will allow this amount of roomers or boarders in a home and still remain eligible
  • What is 2/less than 2
  • Your customers home (HO3) has a copper roof. The style to key into the application for that is:
  • What is nothing- it's a decline
  • Your customer is concerned about mold coverage and the liability limits for mold as well for their home, located in Maine. Their coverages for section 1 and section 2 are
  • What are $10k and $50k
  • Which company offers a multi line discount on the property side of 10% for HO3's
  • what is Homesite
  • You sell a mortgage billed HO6, an ID policy, and a JM policy that automatically renews next year. How many ROAR statements will you read

What is 3

  • A customer wants to have a specific date to be set for their installments on their Assurant Renters policy to be due for their monthly payments. What page will allow you to change the date
  • What is the Billing Information Page
  • Your customer needs items in storage coverage for their belongings. 75% of their items will be in storage . How long are they allowed to leave those items in storage and still remain eligible with Stillwater
  • What is no more than 30 days
  • Your customer discloses they have a circuit breaker panel called stab-lok. How do you proceed
  • Decline
  • Painted block should be entered in LM in HISS as
  • What is solid brick
  • In what state can you not sell a homeowners policy for mobile homes
  • What is all states (transfer to assurant instead)
  • This is the minimum wind/hail deductible for a home located in KS
  • What is Greater of 1% of Coverage A or $2,500
  • Your application for a homeowners policy in Louisiana comes up with "wind excluded" under the wind/hail deductible. What is the next step
  • What is: move to another company on the tree. Cannot sell a policy without wind coverage. If there are no partners available that include wind coverage, explain that we do not have a product available at this time.
  • Your customer lives in a gated community in Virginia and would like to know the discount amount or percentage for having that safety feature
  • what is zero (discount only applies in CA and NV)
  • This company will automatically decline for lead paint in the home-regardless of state or policy type 
  • What is Arrowhead

What are the steps to determine the square footage of a Split Foyer home

  • What are: Enter the square footage for the first and second stories. 
  • Customers may oftentimes refer to the bottom level of the home as a basement because from the front the home appears to be below-grade, but these homes are built on a slab foundation.
  • If you are referring to an online resource to determine square footage, please confirm the figure shown with the customer as these sites will often only reflect the square footage of the first story.
  • Your customers home is coming back at the rebuild being 200% more than the market value. What is your next step with Homesite
  • What is decline from Homesite and move to next carrier
  • Your customer has a climbing wall on their property. What additional question must you ask to determine eligibility
  • What is: is it attached to a swing set? (this is eligible)
  • How many dogs are eligible on a standard liberty mutual HO4 (not simple renters)
  • What is 3 or less
  • Generally Stillwater will not accept this amount of claims for a policy
  • what is more than 2
  • Your customer is trying to determine if their child's belongings are covered at college. Their child is 19. What is your first response
  • What is- belongings are typically covered. If the customer insists on renters insurance we will need to speak to the person in order to move forward