Experience Questions
Personal Questions
What if...
Personal Q's 2

What was your favorite job you have ever had? Why?

Correct response will include:

- A description of a past job

- Why it was enjoyable


What is the best way for you to study when you learn something new?

A good answer will include:

- a description of a learning style or method of studying


Imagine you are a team leader. How would you motivate your team to do boring paperwork?

A good response might include:

- Ideas on how to motivate people


What is your greatest strength?

A correct response might include:

- Good character traits (positive attitude, motivated, etc.)


Tell me how your skill set can be used here.

Correct responses will include:

- Talking about skills (e.g., Microsoft office, phone etiquette, etc.) 

- How those skills will relate to this position


Tell me about yourself. 

A good answer might include:

- Past experience, skills that will be good in the workplace

- Character traits (e.g., honesty, team player, etc.)


Imagine it is a really busy day at work and you have a lot to do. How will you get through the day?

A good response might include:

- Strategies for motivating oneself

- Keeping a positive attitude

- Taking things step by step


What is your biggest weakness?

A correct response might include:

- A character trait that is usually negative (e.g., inconsistent, people pleaser, etc.)

- This answer can be turned into something positive (e.g., I am not good at thinking outside the box. However, this means I am great at following orders.)


What prior experiences make you the best fit for this role?

A good response will include: 

- Talking about prior jobs or life events

- Explaining how those will relate to the new job


What is your ideal work environment?

A good answer might include:

- a description of the kind of team a person would like to be a part of 

- a description of the kind of place a person would want to go to work every day


Imagine you could play any professional sport. What would you play, and why?

A good response will include:

- A professional sport

- A reason to play that sport

- The reason should link back to personality in some way (e.g., I would want to be a wrestler. I like to tackle my problems head-on.)


What are your plans for the future?

A good response will include:

- Where a person sees themselves in a few years

- What kind of work and education a person wants to have by then


How can you use what you learned in school in this job?

A good response will include:

- A description of something learned in school

- How that education will be helpful in this role


What do you do to relax in your time off?

Good responses will include:

- Ways the person takes care of themselves (e.g., get enough sleep, eat healthy food)

- Ways the person refreshes themselves (e.g., go to amusement parks)


Do you have any questions for us?

A good response might include:

- What is your favorite thing about working here?

- What projects is this company working on right now?


Do you like to work alone or as part of a team? Why?

A good response will include:

- A good reason to work alone or with others
