What does the acronym TWISST stand for?
What is Tone, Word Choice, Imagery, Style/Shift, Theme
Your final convincing statement that shuts down your opponent's argument
What is a Rebuttal?
What does a good summary always have?
What is Beginning Middle End
Which acronym do I use for an EXTENDED CONTRUCTED RESPONSE?
What is RACECEC?
What are 3 types of text features?
What are..
1. Bold Words
2. Glossary
3. Titles
4. Subtitles
What is the literal meaning of "The wind sang her mournful song through the falling leaves"
What is the wind blew through the trees.
Information used to support your reasons, often facts, statistics or quotes.
What is evidence?
What is the Turning Point of the story?
What is climax.
What does the acronym RACECEC stand for?
What is Restate, Answer, Cite Evidence, Explain your Thinking, Cite Evidence, Explain your thinking, Conclusion.
What are 2 key words when identifying Author's Purpose?
What is
1. Highlight
2. Argue
3. Convince
4. Explain
When the question mentions "mood" who am I focused on?
What is the reader.
When a person states their opinion on a topic or issue.
What is a claim?
This point of view is ALL knowing
What is 3rd person Omniscient.
What key word do I look for to let me know the prompt wants me to use CRECAR?
What is Argue!
What kind of text structure is this:
Most reptiles lay eggs. The shell of a reptile egg is not hard like the shell of a bird's egg. Instead, a reptiles' egg is soft and leathery.
What is compare & contrast.
In the Imagery section of TWIST what do I have to look for?
What is Poetic Devices and Figurative Language.
"The average competitive cheerleader can sprint faster than the average 6th grader, according to the World Cheerleading Association."
What is this considered?
What is evidence?
What is INTERNAL & EXTERNAL Conflict
What is internal is inside, external is outside.
How do I know when to use RACECEC and when to use RACE?
What is RACECEC has a LONG prompt, RACE has a SHORT prompt.
What are the 5 types of Text Structure?
What are Description, Cause & Effect, Sequence/Chronological, Compare & Contrast, Problem & Solution.
The water opened its arms and invited them in.
This is an example of what type of figurative language?
What is personification.
A flawed argument that may attack the person, draw a general conclusion OR strayed away from the orginal topic.
What is a logical fallacy?
Which part of PLOT is the conflict introduced?
What is Rising Action.
What transition words can I use for the C section of RACE/RACECEC?
What is "In the text it states," etc. (optional)
Costs were low this year and the output is high. There was a good person for each job and the market remained firm. There was no losses from the fire. All in all it was the best years in the history of the company.
Which sentence is the main idea.
What is "Costs were low this year and the output is high."