People Crimes
Property Crimes
Finance Crimes
Drug Crimes

On or about March 3, 2022, Adam Adams unlawfully, intentionally, knowingly or recklessly fought with another in a public place. (In violation of section 18-9-106(1)(d), C.R.S)

What is...

Disorderly Conduct- Fighting in a public place


On or about September 24, 2021 Adam Adams unlawfully entered or remained in or upon the premise of John Cena located at 123 Main St. which was enclosed in a manner designed to exclude intruders or were fenced: in violation of section 18-4-503(1)(a), C.R.S

What is...

Trespass 2


On or about November 17, 2023, Adam Adams unlawfully and knowingly provided false identifying information for the purpose of obtaining admittance to, or health services from, a hospital or evading an obligation by the defendant to make payment to the hospital for services provided at defendant's request: in violation of section 18-13-124, C.R.S

What is...

False information to obtain hospital care


On or about January 27, 2023 Adam Adams unlawfully possessed drug paraphernalia and knew or reasonably should have know that the drug paraphernalia could be used under circumstances in violation of the laws of the State of Colorado: in violation of section 18-18-428(1), C.R.S.

What is...

Possession of drug paraphernalia  


On or about December 3, 2023, Adam Adams unlawfully drove a motor vehicle or low power scooter in suck a manner as to indicate a wanton or willful disregard for the safety of persons or property: in violation of section 42.4.1401, C.R.S

What is...

Reckless Driving


On or about February 7, 2022, Brittany Bones, with an intent to harass, annoy, or alarm, Mickey Mouse, unlawfully made a comment, request, suggestion, or proposal by telephone, computer, computer network, computer system or other interactive electronic medium that was obscene: in violation of section 18-9-111(1)(e), C.R.S

What is...

Harassment- Obscene language


On or about August 1. 2023, Brittany Bones, in the course of a single criminal episode, unlawfully and knowingly damaged the real or personal property of Daisy Duck, the aggregate damage being or more but less than one thousand dollars: in violation of section 18-4-501(1), (4)(b), C.R.S.

What is...

Criminal Mischief


On or about December 2, 2023, Brittany Bones, with the intent to defraud, unlawfully and falsely made, completed, altered or uttered a written instrument, namely: a lease agreement: in violation of section 18-5-104, C.R.S

What is...

Second degree forgery


On or about May 5, 2022, Brittany Bones unlawfully possessed more than two ounces, but not more than six ounces of marijuana: in violation of section 18-18-406(4)(c), C.R.S

What is...

Possession of marijuana or marijuana concentrate


On or about July 27, 2023, Brittany Bones unlawfully and knowingly prevented or attempted to prevent, a peace officer, acting under the color of his official authority, from effection the arrest of defendant by using or threatening to use physical force or violence against the peace officer or another: in violation of section 18-8-102, C.R.S

What is...

Resisting arrest


On or about April 1, 2023, Charles Charleston unlawfully and knowingly or recklessly, caused bodily injury to Davey Jones: in violation of section 18-3-204(1)(a) C.R.S

What is...

Assault 3


On or about May 1, 2022, Charles Charleston unlawfully tampered with property of Metro Water, a utility or institution providing health, or safety protection, with intent to cause interruption or impairment of a service rendered to the public: in violation of section 18-4-505, C.R.S

What is...

Criminal tampering


On or about October 2, 2023, Charles Charleston unlawfully possessed or controlled one or more financial device, which defendant knew or reasonably should have known was lost, stolen or delivered under mistake as to the identity or address of the account holder: in violation of section 18-5-903(1),(2)(a), C.R.S.

What is...

Criminal possession of a financial device


On or about June 20, 2023, Charles Charleston unlawfully and knowingly possessed a material, compound, mixture or preparation that contained not more than four grams of methamphetamine, a schedule I or II controlled substance: in violation of section 18-18-403.5(1),(2)(c), C.R.S.

What is...

Unlawful possession of a controlled substance


On or about May 18, 2022 Charles Charleston unlawfully, intentionally, knowingly or recklessly discharged a firearm in a public place: in violation of section 18-9-106(1)(e), C.R.S

What is...

Illegal discharge of a firearm


On or about January 2, 2024 Danielle Daniel unlawfully, feloniously, and knowingly seized and carried Dobby the Elf from one place to another without the consent of the victim and without lawful justification and such movement increased the risk of harm to the victim: in violation of section 18-3-302(1), C.R.S

What is...

Second Degree Kidnapping


On or about March 3, 2023, Danielle Daniel, unlawfully, feloniously, and knowingly broke an entrance into, entered, or remained unlawfully after a lawful or unlawful entry in the building of Dumbledore, located at 123 Hogwarts Way with the intent to commit therein the crime of Third Degree Assault: in violation of section 18-4-203(1),(2)(d), C.R.S

What is...

Burglary 2


On or about April 9.2022 Danielle Daniel unlawfully, feloniously, and with the intent to defraud caused or participated, or purported to be involved, in a vehicular collision or other vehicular accident, for the purpose of presenting a false or fraudulent insurance claim: in violation of section 18-5-211(1)(c), (4)(b), C.R.S.

What is...

Insurance Fraud


On or about September 12, 2023, Danielle Daniel unlawfully and feloniously drove or operated a motor vehicle wile under the influence of alcohol, drugs or both

What is...

Driving under the influence


On October 18, 2023 Danielle Daniel, unlawfully, feloniously, and knowingly obtained a medical record or medical information with the intent to appropriate the medical record or medical information to the defendant's own use or the use of another, made or caused to be made a copy of a medical record or medical information: in violation of section 18-4-412, C.R.S

What is...

Theft of medical records


On or about March 21, 2022, Evan Evanston, unlawfully, feloniously, and knowingly took a thing of value, namely: a motor vehicle and a phone from the person or presence of Harry Potter, by the use of force, threats, or intimidation and the defendant, during the robbery or immediate flight therefrom and by use of force, threats or intimidation with a deadly weapon, namely: a handgun, knowingly put the victim or any other person in reasonable fear of death or bodily injury: in violation of section 18-4-302(10(b), C.R.S.

What is...

Aggravated Robbery


On or about April 20, 2023, Evan Evanston unlawfully, feloniously, and knowingly obtained or exercised control over the motor vehicle of Luna Lovegood, and knew or reasonably should have know that it was without authorization or was by threat or deception: in violation of section 18-4-409(4)(a),(6)(c), C.R.S.

What is...

Motor vehicle theft in the third degree


On or about July 26,2023, Evan Evanston unlawfully and feloniously possessed or controlled four or more financial devices of which at least two were issued to different account holders, that the defendant knew, or reasonably should have known were lost, stolen, or delivered under a mistake as to the identity or address of the account holders: in violation of section 18-5-903(1),(2)(c), C.R.S

What is...

Criminal possession of a financial device


On or about May 26, 2023, Evan Evanston, unlawfully, feloniously, and knowingly possessed with intent to sell or distribute Cocaine, a schedule I or II controlled substance: in violation of section 18-18-405(1),(2)(c)(I), C.R.S.

What is...

Possession with intent to manufacture or distribute a controlled substance- schedule I or II


On or about November 10, 2021, Evan Evanston unlawfully, feloniously, and knowingly possessed, used or carried upon his person a firearm or other weapon namely: a handgun, and Evan Evanston was previously convicted of a felony namely: Escape, as defined by C.R.S 18-8-208 on or about March 3, 2016: in violation of section 18-12-108(1) C.R.S

What is...

Possession of a weapon by a previous offender
