During direct examination:
"You went to get more ice later that night, didn't you?"
Objection: Leading Question.
On Friday, May 17, Astor and I competed, but not against each other. Honestly, the other competitors couldn’t keep up. Needless to say, I wasn’t surprised to find out that it would be Astor and me advancing to the final round the next day. Once we were done with the pre-final rounds on Friday, they had the top 10 players and Coco do a photo shoot. I was happy to be part of the photo shoot. I’d worked really hard to get there and wanted to solidify myself as one of the top Castledusk players in the world. And here I was, going into the final round. I was so excited.
Objection: Narrative Answer
Why were you at the Clearwater Hotel on May 17, 2024
I was attending the CastleDusk National Tournament, (insert reason). I arrived on the 16th.
Objection: Relevance
The witnesses being at the tournement is relevant information
The information being gained from this question is relevant to the case
When can you not use leading questions?
On Direct
Who can give their opinion at trial?
"When exactly did you see MJ, Carne, and Jobs touch your ice picks?"
Objection: Compound Question
How would you describe MJs behavior online
"MJ acted aggressively online while playing castledusk"
Objection: Relevance
Bonus points "Improper character evidence"
To Jobs
"So is it possible to have the same IP address?"
<Yes, if they are generated from the same device.>
Objection: Speculation
This is an expert witness so they can speculate to things within their scope of expertise
When can you use leading questions?
On Cross-Examination
Who are often called to give opinions in a trial?
Doctors, psychologists, forensic experts, etc.
What did you sculpt for the Deutsche Eisskulpturenmeisterschaft?
Objection: Relevancy.
"Did you Review the key card logs?"
"When looking at the logs what discrepancies what you find"
Objection: Leading
"Did you have any interactions with MJ prior to your time at the Clearwater Hotel related to the upcoming Tournament?"
<Yeah, in math class he would turn around and taunt me by saying things like “Astor is going to burn”>
Objection Hearsay
Party opponent statement
What materials can help you if you need to explain your objection to a Judge?
The Rules of Evidence.
What are opinion questions that are not objectionable?Questions asking an opinion that anyone could give.
Questions asking an opinion that anyone could give.
When a witness is asked the same question more than once
Objection: Asked and Answered.
Question: "You heard a door open the night Astor was murdered correct?"
Response: "I didn't kill him!"
Objection: Non-Responsive Answer
What is the decision of the judge if he or she disagrees with the objection?
What do you do if your question is objected to, and the Judge sustains the objection?
Ask a different question.
What are questions that are used to establish the expertise of a witness?Foundation questions
Foundation questions.
When on redirect the attorney asks about something that was not mentioned in the cross examination.
Objection: Beyond scope of direct.
To Carne
"Do you know how the key card system at the hotel Clearwater functioned?"
Objection: Lay-Witness Opinion OR Out of witnesses scope of knowledge
What do you do if you disagree with the Judge's ruling on your objection?
Sit down.
What do you do if your question is objected to and the Judge asks you to respond?
Explain why your question should be allowed.
What is a question that an expert witness cannot be asked?
The attorney asks his or her expert witness do you think the defendant committed the murder?