The inadequate cellular perfusion
What is Shock?
The dose of aspirin
What is 324mg?
The type of shock where the "pump" fails
What is Cardiogenic shock
The balance of all systems in the body
What is homeostasis?
The indication for epinephrine (bls).
What is anaphylaxis?
The type of shock where the "pipes" fail.
What is distributive shock?
The difference between diastolic and systolic blood pressure
What is pulse pressure?
The amount of force the heart generate between each contraction
What are;respiratory depression, pinpoint pupils, drug paraphernalia/track marks, hypoxia
What are; hemorrhagic, other fluids(ie vomit, stool), burns?
The pressure within the capillary bed
What is hydrostatic pressure?
The contraindications of nitroglycerin.
What are; systolic less than 100, ED drugs within 48hr
The specific signs of neurogenic shock
What are; Bradycardia, lack of sweating beneath the site of injury, warm skins vs cool skin,
The perfusion triangle includes these parts of perfusion.
What is heart/pump, blood vessels/container, content function(blood).
The pediatric weight threshold for glucagon.
What is 44lbs/20kg
The indications for a pericardial tamponade.
What are; JVD, muffled heart sounds, narrowing pulse pressure/hypotension.