This game is thought to be the first video game, created in 1958 and becoming popular in the 1970s.
What is Pong?
This multi-billion dollar company purchased Twitch in 2014.
What is Amazon?
This popstar was the very first American Idol winner.
Who is Kelly Clarkson?
This is the name of the sparkling, broody vampire that Bella falls head over uncoordinated heels in love with.
Who is Edward Cullen?
This is the name of Thea's beloved dog.
Who is Chase Kenneth I?
This 1985 video game begins with a planned departure from Independence, Missouri.
What is The Oregon Trail?
This is the name of Twitch's digital currency.
What are bits?
This pop singer has had a Billboard No. 1 hit in each of the last four decades.
Who is Mariah Carey?
In New Moon, Bella's best friend turns out to be this kind of "monster", since she cannot escape a world of fantasy.
What is a werewolf?
Thea's better half is best known as this clever pet name.
What is Thubby?
Blathers in the name of the nocturnal, museum-curating owl in this series of Nintendo video games.
What is Animal Crossing?
This popular game is the most watched video game on Twitch.
What is League of Legends?
This hypnotizing Latin pop singer can speak six languages including English, Spanish, Arabic, and Portuguese.
Who is Shakira?
Bella is frozen forever at this age when she is changed into a vampire to save her life.
What is 18?
Thea is lovingly known for favoring this Backstreet Boys song.
What is Quit Playing Games?
These two were the first non-Nintendo characters to appear in the Super Smash Bros. franchise.
Who are Solid Snake and Sonic?
Twitch's founder created this website, prior to Twitch in 2007, where he streamed his life 24/7.
What is
Many Marvel movies have been nominated for a Grammy. This movie is not only the first to win one, but two.
What is Black Panther?
Name one of the two places that Bella primarily lived in.
What is Phoenix, AZ or Forks, WA?
Thea has two favorite colors. Name one of them.
What are navy blue and black?
This video game franchise technically included "Dr. Kawashima" in the title even though his name was often omitted.
What is Brain Age?
Who is Emilycc?
Kicked out of Metallica in 1983, Dave Mustaine went on to start this thrash metal band.
What is Megadeth?
This coven is known for collecting the strong and unique; they have their eyes set on Alice and Bella, in particular, at the end of Breaking Dawn.
Who are The Volturi?
This is the date that Thea had her very first official stream.
When is November 26th, 2022?