Modals of Deduction
Modals of Deduction (Past)
Fill the blanks
Choose the right one
Complete the sentences

Kelly won't ride on rollercoasters. 

a) She can't be terrified of heights.

b) She must be terrified of heights.

b) She must be terrified of heights.


Suspect number 1 was working at the time of the murder.

a) It must have been him.

b) It couldn't have been him.

c) It might have been him.

b) It couldn't have been him.


She ________________________ stupid. She teaches maths at the university (BE

She CAN’T BE stupid. She teaches maths at the university (BE)


Choose the correct alternative That can’t/could be the right train. It’s not 8.30 yet.

That can’t be the right train. It’s not 8.30 yet.


Complete with a modal of deduction: He _____ be the killer! He has a knife in his hand!

He must be the killer!


Sandra doesn't speak Japanese.

a) She can't be from Japan.

b) She must be from Japan.

c) She might be from Japan.

a) She can't be from Japan.


It takes half an hour to get to school. If they arrived at 7:00 am at school, they

a) must have taken the 6:30 bus.

b) can't have taken the 6:30 bus.

c) may have taken the 6:30 bus.

a) must have taken the 6:30 bus.


She ________________________ to school. It’s Saturday (GO)

She MUSTN’T GO to school. It’s Saturday (GO).


Complete the sentence Those boots _______ be expensive! They’re Jimmy Choo.

Those boots must be expensive! They’re Jimmy Choo.


Thomas _______ be the killer. He was in Europe when the murder happened.

Thomas can't be the killer.


Beth didn't want to eat.

a) She can't be hungry.

b) She must be hungry.

c) She might not be hungry.

c) She might not be hungry.


Julie didn't want to eat at lunch today. She _______ (eat) before.

might have eaten


You were stupid to go skiing here. You ________________________ a leg (BREAK)

You were stupid to go skiing here. You COULD HAVE BROKEN a leg (BREAK)


Complete the sentence It _________ be hot on the beach, so take some sun lotion.

It might be hot on the beach, so take some suntan lotion.


Oh, the bell is ringing! It _______ be my friend. I'm not sure.

It might be my friend.


Nancy just ran 10 kilometers.

a) She can't be tired.

b) She must be tired.

b) She must be tired.


I saw Jack yesterday. He ____________ (go) to Spain.

couldn't have gone


He looked so tired when I saw him. He ________________________ so hard (WORK) 

He looked so tired when I saw him. He MUST HAVE WORKED so hard (WORK)


Stuart _______________ (go) to play tennis. He had his racket with him, but maybe he’s going after school.

Stuart might have gone to play tennis. He had his racket with him, but maybe he’s going after school.


I want to watch a film, but I don't know which. My friend recommended Kill Bill but I _______ like it... I typically don't like Tarantino films. I don't know.

I might not like it.


Tony didn't answer the phone.

a) He can't be busy.

b) He must be busy.

c) He might be busy.

c) He might be busy.


We haven't seen Marta smoking for quite some time. She ___________ (stop).

might have stopped.


Tom ________________________ this because it is in French and Tom doesn’t know French. (WRITE)

Tom CAN’T HAVE WRITTEN this because it is in French and Tom doesn’t know French.


The people who stole the painting _______________ (be) professional art thieves because everything was very carefully arranged.

The people who stole the painting must have been professional art thieves because everything was very carefully arranged


The phone is ringing! It _____ be my son. He's on a plane right now and they can't use their phones there.

It can't be my son.
